Detention Without Trial T He Liberty Of The Subject • Is
a matter of prime concern to every Englishman, in war as in peace, and it will be a sorry day if that ever ceases to be true. It is therefore born inevitable and right that......
I Said To A Friend Whose Children Went To America
early in the war that I wondered whether they had picked up a transatlantic accent. " No," he said confidently, " they haven't. I've had a record of their voices sent home to......
Admiring Listeners To The Brains Trust On Sunday...
no doubt formed their own conclusions as to the star performer among the regular team. I have my own views on the subject, but to state them would be invidious. But one thing......
* * Mr. B. L. Hallsworth, The British Workers'...
at the I.L.O. Conference, New York, suggested that though the headquarters of the I.L.O. are temporarily at Montreal the staff of the office in London ought to be greatly......
A Clean Sweep " All Paintings And Busts Of Hitler
in Germany which are neither artistic nor beautiful will be removed."—Social Democraten, October 25th. * * *......
The Case Of Mr. Mcgovern, M.p., Whom The Home Secretary
would not allow to go to Ireland to enquire into the circum- stances leading to the detention of Mr. Cahir Healy, a member of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, was discussed......
A Spectator's Notebook
M R. HAROLD NICOLSON has (as I see from a proof) paid so brilliant a tribute to Lord D'Abemon in his article on another page that I will add none of my own memories of that......
Semper Eadem " Germany Earnestly Desires A Conflict...
and the United States, with A secret reservation that, while both would be exhausted, Germany should win." So runs a minute, dated January 13th, 1908, by Sir Eyre Crowe,......
" Petain Dropping An Archbishop. "—news Chronicle. Hitler...
in Holland. JANUS.......