7 NOVEMBER 1992, page 30

Staying Power

Sir: We all expect journalists to be objec- tive. We expect them to be cynical. But we also have a right to expect them to be accu- rate. James Buchan's 'Forty years up in......

The Look Of London

Sir: John Martin Robinson has been unduly worried about the possible consequences of the Government's leasehold reforms to the townscape of London ('When reform means ruin', 24......

First Things First

Sir: The Right Honourable Virginia Bot- tomley, MP, Secretary of State for Health, draws attention (Letters, 31 October) to the error in your traditionally correct but......

Sir: George Young Confirms That The Department Of The...

has given no serious thought to the architectural side- effects of 'leasehold reform', nor formulat- ed any practical proposals for the long-term conservation of the historic......

One Or The Other

Sir: I do wish the people who prattle on so much about our European 'partners' and 'competitors' could settle for one term or the other. Not to do so is either disingenu- ous or......

Sir: Congratulations On Taki's Splendid Piece On The...

life of leasehold (High life, 31 October). As he quite rightly says, many of the long-term residents of the cen- tral London estates have been driven out already, but I feel I......