Caine Mutiny
Sir: Michael Caine may not have spelt the name of Judy Garland's daughter wrongly, but Julie Burchill (Books, 31 October) has: the name is Minnelli, not Minelli. It might also......
One Or The Other
Sir: I do wish the people who prattle on so much about our European 'partners' and 'competitors' could settle for one term or the other. Not to do so is either disingenu- ous or......
Right Beasts, Wrong Man
Sir: Paul Johnson may well be reminded (And another thing, 26 September) of Ludendorff's verdict on the British Army as 'lions led by donkeys'. But, in fact, the words were......
Sir: Julie Burchill's Nasty, Vicious Attack On Michael...
his wife is not accept- able. Your sloppy editorship permitted the bile to be published; it is your fault, you are to blame and I hope he punches you on the nose. Stuff your......