7 OCTOBER 1972, page 26

Music Hall

'Marie' Benny Green Matilda Alice Victoria Wood, alias Marie Lloyd, died fifty years ago this weekend , and the most impressive of all the testimonies to her greatness is that......

Publishing Women

Sir: Referring to Bookend's comments (is Bookend female?) on women in publishing (Spectator, September 16), I would like to state that two key people in my publishing house are......

Juliette's Weekly Frolic

I have only to turn my back for a few days and some mischievious ruffian is rummaging in the treasure trove. It's as well he burnt his fingers as a nonchalant touch of genius......

Foolish Saws

Sir: Mr Milnes (Spectator, September 16) says that during the Allegretto of Dvorak's eighth syMphony, he saw Karajan bring in the cor anglais with his right hand. Unfortunately,......