The Ritual Commission. [to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
assent most cordially to the remarks which you have made on the first Report of the Ritual Commission. If it makes no second, but rests and is thankful, we may be thankful also......
The Creed Of The National Church.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Near the conclusion of your last week's article on " The First Report on Ritualism," it is stated that belief in the Divinity of Christ......
Charitable And Religious Endowments. [to The Editor Of...
SIR,—In the article on " Wills " in your last issue, you refer to the law which limits the time for which a testator may direct the application of his property, but you do not......
The Metayer Tenure In Perigord.
AIOST Englishmen believe, and not without reason, that the 11. effect of the Revolution was to break up the old tenures in France, and parcel out the country among small......