7 SEPTEMBER 1867, page 14
A Wife On Her Travel S.—i.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.'1 Bale, August 31, 1867. Sin,—Will you allow a feminine convert to those views so subtly expounded in your issue of the 24th August on the......
Charitable And Religious Endowments. [to The Editor Of...
SIR,—In the article on " Wills " in your last issue, you refer to the law which limits the time for which a testator may direct the application of his property, but you do not......
" Property Has Its Duties As Well As Its Rights."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—This striking dictum has made the name of Thomas Drum- mond famous in a degree that his varied labours certainly would have failed to......