[he Suggested To Sir Felix Pole, The General Manager...]
Ile suggested to Sir Felix Pole, the General Manager of the Great Western Railway, that in starting the year 1927 it would be better to forget 1926. He then argued that though......
[last Saturaday Mr. Ernest Bevin, Speaking Of A Proposed...]
Last Saturday Mr. Ernest Bevin, speaking of a proposed industrial truce, said that it must be remembered that the Industrial Council set up by the Liberal Government before the......
[the Soviet Has Cleverly Established Relations Which Are...]
The Soviet has cleverly cstal)lisllc(l rclationis which are anti-British in their effects with Tuirkey and 'ersia and Afghanistan, and now it is thwarting the obviously sincere......
[meanwhile, The Powers Have Been Considering The...]
NIeanwsvhile, the PowXsers have b)eell considering the Britiv h iMenorandlu-ii. 'I'lle Italian Government has aJ)parenltly sent a lavoural)le reply. The French Government has......
[the Prime Minister's Message To The Country Was:]
The Prime Minister's message to the country was :-- " lVe have left behind us a year of unhappy discord and industrial dlepression. Let our reso!ve for 1927 be to repair the......
[on Tuesday A Meeting Of The National Wages Board...]
*a * * *N On Tuesdasy a meletingf of the National Wiages Boardl for Railways prov'ide(l a pleasing examl)lc of determination to find points of agreement instcad of ransacking......
[if The Year 1927 Should Not Be Happier For Everybody...]
* * * $ If the yecar 192v7 snould not be llapl)ier for eecrybody than 1926, it will not be for want of good wishes and several efforts by men of all parties towardIs a better......
[the Times Correspondent Says That One Of The Major...]
The Timies correspon(lelnt says that one of the major inflluen ces in the inl)rogrlio of Central America is the tremendous southwar(l thrust of American capital. The overflow of......
[the United States Government Has Decided To Send...]
T'hie Vliited States Goverinmenit has decided to send miarilles to the caplital of Nicaragua. It liial been stated unollieiallY that the Amneriecan seamIen who had been landed......