[last Saturaday Mr. Ernest Bevin, Speaking Of A Proposed...]
Last Saturday Mr. Ernest Bevin, speaking of a proposed industrial truce, said that it must be remembered that the Industrial Council set up by the Liberal Government before the......
[it Is A Great Pleasure To Learn That Mr. T. R....
* * * * It is a great pleasulre to learn that Mi-. T. 1U. J'ark;llonl, of Ipswichl, has geencrousIv pres(ented( to t hie naitio Flatford M1ill and Willy Lott's Cottage, whlich......
[we Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Ambrose Mcevoy,...]
* * * * ll'c regret to recordl the (Icath of M~r. Ambllrose MCar OV:\0, the well-known painter. Ife first became kn lown as one of the more accompl)lisled ImIp)rissionlists or......
[the Report Of The Three Commissioners Who Were...]
The Report of the three Commissioners who were appointed last. July to supersede the W\est 11am Board of Guardians shows that success beyond all expectations has been obtained......
[six Members Of A British Ski Party Lost Their Lives...]
* $ * * Six; mlemlbers of a B3ritishl ski jarts Iost their Ii-c. on New Year's D)av through an avalanlic ill the Austriail Tyrol. Mr. lItiog Mlolrgan, %%'h is amIongII tile dea,......
[the New Year Honours List Contained Five New...]
The New Year Ilonours List contained five new peerages. Sir James Craig, the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, becomes a Viscount. He will no doubt be (lad of the opportunity......
[the Labour Party Is Congratulating Itself, As It Well...]
The Labour Party is congratulating itself, as it well may, on the prosPect of a political alliance 'with the Co-operative Party. The Co-operators have at last been persuadled to......
[certainly Such Questions Ought To Be Answered.]
* * * * Certainly suchI questions oughlt to be answveredl. It would not be a difficult task, but it ought to be performed in a reasoning and not a contemptuous spirit. No doubt......
[the Church Of St. Martin-in-the-fields Has Under The...]
The Church of St. Martin-i--tht-Fields has undcr tile 'vicarslhip) of Mtr. Sllep)pard taken so emOispnicioiis a place in the life of London(0 tlhat the ap)o)oiIttmnietit ol His......