8 JULY 1955, page 34

[whatever The Rights And Wrongs Of The Imprisonment Of...

W1HATEVER TIHE RIGIITS and wrongs of the imprisonment of two men by the Australian Parliament. one defence of the proceedings that has been put forward by an Australian Member......

[i Seem To Be Giving A Lot Of Space To The Beaverbrook...

I SEEM [0 BE giVinlg a lot of spuac ^ to the B veavrbrook press, but there is a point at which the mean and the trivial become so mean and so trivial that they have to be taken......

['the Independence Of Daily Express Critics,' Mr....

A Spectator's Notebook ITHE INDEIPENDENCE of Daily Express critics,' Mr. Leonard Mosley writes to assure us, 'is the envy of most of their confreres.' In one sense at least that......

[a Reader Has Complained That 'political Commentary'...

A reader has complained that 'Political Commentary' deals too frequenitly with the altairs of the Labour Party. I can sympathise with her. But what can a mere political......

[it Is More Than Twenty Years Since Mr. Ogden Nash Was...

IT IS MORE thin twenty years since Mr. Ogdcen Nash was moved to wriLe: Like an art lover Looking at the MI ona Lisa in the louvIe. Is the Nelw, York Herald Tribuine Lodking at......

[another Independent Express Critic Is Mr. John Barber.]

ANOTHER INDIEIPENDENT Express critic is Mr. John Barber. The week before last Mr. Barber reported a midnight nmatinee held in aid of the Actors' Orphanage. At tlhese shows......

[from A British Travel Association Advertisement In The...

FROM A British Travel Association advertisement in the New Yorker: 'You'll find tranquility in Britain. Peace of mindand a chance to recharge your batteries. They're a friendly......


SCENE: the junction of St Martin's Lane and Trafalgar Square. TIME.: the rush hour. Casually, a man steps oil thie pavemelit and begins to cross the street. With a screeching of......