8 JULY 1955, page 47

The Church Of Scotland

THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND vSIR,- I)r. Wa1r r writes il the Spe(ctator ot June 24, 'Scotland remains staunchly Presbyterian.' In so doing, Dr. Warr says too little or too m1uch. Hc......

James Griffiths

IAMEIS GRIFFITHS SIR,-Henry Fairlie's reniarks about the career and personality of Mr. James Grifliths in yoUr latest number clearly Cross the houndary-lilie between legitimate......

Independent Critics

INDEPENDElNT CRITICS SIR,-If your commentator, Pharos. were closer to informed opinion in Fleet Street, he would know that the (sometimes helligerent) independence of Daily L......

Jusitice And The Public Interest

JUSITICE ANI) TIHE PUBLIC INTEREST Smt,-4l was delighted to see Mr. Charles Wilson's article on this subject, for it is one of which I have personal knowledge of the anxiety......

Is The Travel-book Dead?

Letters to the Editor Is the Travel-Book Dead? KingsleY Amis c James Grifliths Jol Alanchip While t Independent Critics Leounard Moslev t The Church of Scotland Rcv. Charlesv......