9 FEBRUARY 2008, page 34
God And The Gom
Jane Ridley G LADSTONE : G OD AND P OLITICS by Richard Shannon Hambledon Continuum, £80, pp. 550, ISBN 9781847252029 R ichard Shannon has been writing about Gladstone on and off......
Getting A Kick
Nicky Haslam E THEL M ERMAN by Geoffrey Mark Barricade Legend, £20, pp. 312, ISBN 1569802939 O ne frequently reads of chaps for whom their epiphany was the first sight and sound......
Problems Of Keeping Mum
Molly Guinness G RANDMOTHER ’ S F OOTSTEPS by Charlotte Moore Penguin, £17.99, pp. 274, ISBN 9780670917068 ✆ £14.39 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 G randmother’s Footsteps is......