9 FEBRUARY 2008, page 35
Problems Of Keeping Mum
Molly Guinness G RANDMOTHER ’ S F OOTSTEPS by Charlotte Moore Penguin, £17.99, pp. 274, ISBN 9780670917068 ✆ £14.39 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 G randmother’s Footsteps is......
The Unwilling Executioner
Carole Angier D ETECTIVE S TORY by Imre Kertész Harvill/Secker, £12.99, pp. 113, ISBN 9781846551833 ✆ £10.39 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 F atelessness, Imre Kertész’s first......
Genius Under Many Guises
Patrick Skene Catling T HE C OMPLETE N OVELS by Flann O’Brien, with an introduction by Keith Donohue Everyman, £14.99, pp. 787, ISBN 9781841593098 ✆ £11.99 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870......