Fine Arts.
Characteristic Sketches of Animals. Drawn from the Life, and engraved by THOMAS LANDSEER. Parts I. and II. These are " Characteristic Sketches of Animals," in the true sense of......
Remarks On Vaccination And Inoculation.
HUMBLY ADDRESSED TO MEDICAL GENTLEMEN OF ESTABLISHED FAME AND FORTUNE. As queries sent to medical publications are seldom perused by any individuals except those who possess......
The University.
CAsinntThCRI, January 8.—Lord Geor g e Thynne, son of the Marquis of Bath, is admitted of St. Peter's Colle g e.--The following is the subject of the Hulsean prize dissertation......
The Army,
wart - Cep/mg, Jan. 4.-3d Reg. Foot: Gen. Sir G. Don, G.C.B. from 36th Foot, tO be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir H. Clinton dec.-36th Foot: Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. H. Sheaffe, Bart. to......
East India Shipping. Saturday Moamar°.
His Majesty's Ship Java, Captain Carroll, arrival yesterday at Portsmouth, from India. Sheleft Ceylon on the 8th, and Madras on the 16th August, the Mauritius on the 26th Sept.,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Br Erns .—on The 2d Inst.
Lady Suffield of a son, at Gunton-park—At Pitfour, the 31st ult. the Hon. Mrs. Ferguson of a dau g hter. Matt ILIAGES.—On the 31st at Tray, near Monmouth, the Hon. PAL Abbot,......
From The London Gazettes.
Tuesday, Jan. 5. PARTNERSHIPS Dissotvsn.—Boorn and Co. Liverpool, Manchester; and New Orleans, merchants—WARD and •Co. Barnsley, dyers—By amirr and GOLDSMITH, Sudbury '......