Imprisonmenvfor Debt.
Mn. DANCE, the Provisional Assignee of Insolvent Debtors, has published a very sensible pamphlet on Law Expenses, whiehwe recommend to general . perusal. In the course of his......
Cheap Provisions.
IT was observed by some of our contemporaries, when we first entered on this subject, that the mere discussion would lead to the remedy which it was the object of our club to......
Societa Armonica.
THE English of " Societal Armonica " is—a series of six concerts, given at Freemason's Hall, of which Mr. MORI is the leader and Mr. FORBES the conductor. And, judging from the......
Wellington Defeated At Waterloo!
SIR RICHARD PHILLIPS has obtained renown by his endeavours to prove Sir ISAAC NEWTON an ass. A writer in the Morning Chronicle bids fair to earn the same kind of fame by his......