9 JULY 1898, page 34

[the Scene On Board La Bourgogne Could Not, We Believe,...]

The scene on board 'La Bourgogne' could not, we believe, have occurred in an English or American ship. Cases of desertion have repeatedly occurred, and of desperate attempts by......

[the Examination In Bankruptcy Into The Affairs Of Mr....]

The examination in bankruptcy into the affairs of Mr. Xooley will, it is stated, involve a point of great public interest. Mr. Hooley bhas stated publicly that while pureuing......

[the American House Of Representatives Recently Agreed...

The American House of Representatives recently agreed to the annexation of Hawaii; and the Senate, which was supposed to be reluctant, on Tuesday endorsed the decision of the......

[the Week Has Been Marked By One Of The Most Terrible...]

The week has been marked by one of the most terrible maritime disasters of our time. About 5 o'clock in the morning of Monday, the 4th inst., ' La Bourgogne,' a French liner of......

[on The Second Day Of The Debate-tuesday-the Dis-...]

I n d i On the second day -of the, debate-Tuesday-the dig- cussion was continued with great interest. Sir William Harcourt, though he voted for the Motion declaring that an......

[mr. A. D. White, American Ambassador To Berlin, Made On...]

Mr. A. D. White, American Ambassador to Berlin, made on I July 4th at a banquet of Americans resident in Leipsic, one of the very cleverest speeches we ever remember to have......

[in The House Of Commons On Monday Mr. Redmond Raised...]

In the House of Commons on Monday Mr. Redmond raise& a debate on Irish financial relations, but his speech added nothing to the illumination of the subject. Mr. Lecky followed,......