9 JULY 1898, page 35

[lord Salisbury's Contribution To The Debate Was Very Able.]

Lord Salisbury's contribution to the debate was very able. I After declaring that many of the things on which excitement has arisen were in themselves trivial, he dwelt upon the......

[at Birmingham On Friday, July 1st, Mr. Chamberlain...]

At Birmingham on Friday, July let, Mr. Chamberlain addressed a meeting in the Council House summoned to consider the scheme for founding a University for the Midlands. Until,......

[on Thursday Lord Selborne Introduced The Benefices Bill...]

On Thursday Lord Selborne introduced the Benefices Bill I into the House of Lords. The Archbishop of Canterbury. who rose next, gave his approval to the Bill, though he would......

[on The Second Day Of The Debate-tuesday-the Dis-...]

I n d i On the second day -of the, debate-Tuesday-the dig- cussion was continued with great interest. Sir William Harcourt, though he voted for the Motion declaring that an......

[lord Rosebery, Who Is Never Happier Than When Making A...]

Lord Rosebery, who is never happier than when making a set speech on an abstract subject, gave a charming little address on courage to the London Fire Brigade on Saturday last,......

[on Wednesday The Archbishops And Bishops Dined At The...]

On Wednesday the Archbishops and Bishops dined at the Mansion House. The Archbishop of Canterbury in his speech declared that the clergy and laity were at this moment "rather......