10 MARCH 1917, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,--May I ask you and the readers of your influential paper to help use in organizing a Great National Thank-Offering to the gallant men who, in our defence, have lost the most precious gift of sight? An influential Committee is arranging to hold a gigantic bazaar at the Royal Albert Hall, London, during the second week iu May. The contents of the stalls will, it is hoped, be provided largely by great London mercantile houses, and to this end a most gratifying measure of support has already been assured. Now I hope that the publication of this letter in your columns wilt induce the leading inhabitants of towns and villages throughout the kingdom to organize similar bazaars during the same week, and will also lead private individuals in the London district to send articles-for sale to the Blinded Soldiers' Bazaar Depot, 6 Bayswater Hill, London, W., and to address communications to met The Secretary of the Blinded Soldiers' Bazaar Conan- at Bayswater Hill, will be glad to receive communiea- lions from those in the provinces who feel disposed to interest themselves in'the matter.-1 am, Sir, &c.,


Chairman, Blinded Soldiers' •n1 Sailors' Care Committee. St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, N.11',