10 MARCH 1917, page 2

How Many Foreign Secretaries All Over The World Must Be

sighing for such diplomatic agents!! We ourselves have always been strongly, in favour of professional diplomatists, trained from their youth to deal with foreign nations and......

Yet Miraculous As It Seems, We Have Never -heard -any

gruinblingte or complaints in regard to Mr. Page's attitude, either by -Americans, pro-German or pro-Ally, or by-Englishmen. Presumably he must have been 'criticized in Berlin......

There Can No Longer Be Any Doubt Why The Germans

have retreated en the Ancre. They have retreated because they were compelled to - go. Of course, they put some disadvantages in our way, such as terrible shell-ploughed ground......

The Chinese Cabinet, It Was Stated' On Monday, Had Decided

to break off relations with Germany, the action to be followed by a declaration of war. Later, however, came the news that the President had vetoed this decision in spite of the......

The Weekly Admiralty Return Of Sailings, Arrivals, And...

merchant vessels, published on Thursday, shows that 2,529 vessels arrived and 2,477 sailed. The number of vessels sunk over 1,604 tons was fourteen, and of those under 1,600......

Austria Has Replied To The American Note Asking Her To

define: - her attitude towards the new German policy of sinking at sight: As was natural, nay, inevitable, the Austrians declare their adhesion to the policy of unrestricted......

. While Dealing With The American Situation We Desire To

express our great satisfaction in learning that the rumours that the .Auterican Ambassador to this country, Mr. Page, was about to retire are without foundation. Mr. Page hai......

We Have Written In A Leading Article Of The German

attempt to lead Mexico and Japan into war with the United States, but must record here other matters affecting American and German relations. President Wilson's attempt to......

Independently Of The Address, Mr. Wilson Previously...

pointing out that without authority from Congress he might he unable to arm merchantmen or take other necessary steps. He therefore proposed a special Session of Congress " to......

A Report From Sir Douglas Haig At The End Of

last week showed that we had taken two thousand one hundred and thirty-three prisoners, including thirty-six officers, on the Western front in February. The British line has......

If Mr. Page Had Ever Shown Pro-ally Leanings, Or Had

been that very dangerous person, an Ambassador with a policy of his own s it would have been most improper and most dangerous for us to- praise him. It is his judicial......

We May Suppose That Of The Two Or Three Millions

of Chinese - who form that small minority of the population which knows that a war is going on, many must be asking themselves what advice Confuchis, judged by his teachings,......

On The Same Day Mr. Wilson Took The Oath On

entering his second term of office, and it is said that he kissed the following text in the Bible : " God is our refuge and strength : a very present help in trouble." His first......