10 MARCH 1917, page 18

Eupltnee. By John Lyly. Edited By M. W. Croll And

H. Clemons. I(Routledge. as. net.)—This is a good annotated edition of Lyly's :famous romance, such as students of Elizabethan literature have long weeded. - Mr. Croll's......


CINDERELLA OF SKOOKLM CREEK.* IT is a far cry from Glasgow, the scene of Mr. Niven's last novel, to Skookum Creek, a " flag-station " out West, but his picture of the small but......

England In Fits Mediterranean,1603-1713. By Julian S....

(Longarans and Co. 16s. net..)—We are glad to see that. Sir Julian , Corbett's; extremely able and fascinating study of the beginnings of our naval power in the Mediterranean......

The Magazlnes.

THE new Nineteenth Century opens with three papers on "Imperial Reconstructisn." In the third Mr. Wilson Fox expands his recent letter on " The New Protection " in the Times, in......

The New Europe. Vol. I. (constable And Co. 7s. Gd.

net.)—Many people will be glad to -know that this scholarly and independent weekly review of foreign polities is to be reissued in bound volumes. The - first volume extends from......

Some Books Of The Week.

Isvettes in this conies doss not neomarily priaula es)snzigie r3ois:e.1 Isaiah : the Prophet and the Book. By Canon Nairne. (Longmans- and Co. Is.)--This little book is one of......

The Polish Review. Vol. I., No. 1. Edited By J.

II. Harley. (Allen and Unwin. 2s. net.)—As a help to the understanding of the Polish question, seen from the Polish standpoint, this new quarterly review should be useful, all......

Men Of Letters. By Dixon Scott. (hodder And Stoughton. 6s.

net.)— 'These essays on contemporary writers by a clever young journalist who died prematurely' in Gallipoli are well worth reading. As- Mr. Max Beerbohm says in his......