10 MARCH 1917, Page 18


Isvettes in this conies doss not neomarily priaula es)snzigie r3ois:e.1 Isaiah : the Prophet and the Book. By Canon Nairne. (Longmans- and Co. Is.)--This little book is one of the growing list of publications by the Liverpool Diocesan Board of Divinity. It consists of three lectures, which like all good lectures aim -at stimulating rather than satisfying the appetite. It is characteristic of Dr. Nairne's books that they take a wide range ; phi problems are seen to have modern parallels, and new ones to be very like old ones, and the answers to both arc apt to be sought in unlikely places. For example, after some discussion of the series of epithets in ix. 6, he tells a story from Fiona Macleod which, while it does not solve the critical problem, does in his judgment illustrate the soul of Isaiah, who was a Highlander. Dr. Nairnes proffered solution of the problem of the authorship of the book is that it is 'not a book written by Isaiah, but a book about Isaiah; what we might describe in modern terms as ' The Life, Remains, and Theology of Isaiah, edited by a member of the Jewish Church.' " We think many readers will be interested to discover what this theory implies, and we are sure they will find much else to interest them by the way.