10 MARCH 1917, page 3

But Even Though By A Most Unfortunate Accident Mr. Dillon

was allowed to read out the letter, we areeurprised that some member of the Cabinet did not back up Mr. Macpherson's very proper protest—.a protest which did hint personally......

'then Came The Suggestion That They Managed These Things...

better in France. He next added that we ought not to go in for a policy of attrition—another version, of course, of the attempt to fix a label of " Butcher " on the backs of......

As The Austrians Almost Invariably Produce Pale And...

of Berlin frightfulness and Machiavellism, we may expect a revelation daring the next fortnight or so of letters from the Vienna Foreign Secretary to the Presidents of Hayti and......

Taking Mr. Churchill's Speech As A Whole, And Making Due

allow- ance for his extraordinary cleverness and oratorical power, we can only say what Lord Melbourne said when Lord Brougham, greatest of mieeNef-makers, having resigned......

Also On Monday In The House Of Commons Mr. Dillon

made a speech even more mischievous than that by Mr. Churchill. He read out to the House a document which has been published broadcast in the German newspapers. It purported to......

Austria Has Replied To The American Note Asking Her To

define: - her attitude towards the new German policy of sinking at sight: As was natural, nay, inevitable, the Austrians declare their adhesion to the policy of unrestricted......

It Is No Answer To Say That The Letter, Which

could only have been obtained by some disgraceful act of treachery er through the secret service agents of the German Government, had been published is the German papers. Men of......

The Dardanelles Report Was Issued On Thursday Afternoon....

must wait till next week.......

We Note With No Small Satisfaction The Announcement, Made Is

a letter to the editor giving the date of the meeting to be held at the Queens Hall, that Sir Alfred Booth, one of our greatest business men and perhaps our ablest shipping......

In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. Churchill Made

a speech on the Army Estimates, in which he reviewed the course of the war. A good deal of his criticism appeared to be very much to the point, though we expect that much of it......

"you Might Think," Mr. Churchill Added Somewhat...

you wished, that all Generals were geniuses and all civilians harpies, unless they happen to be journalists." We confess to wondering where Mr. Churchill comes in. He is not......

Bank Rate, 51 Per Gent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.

Jan. 18th.......