10 MARCH 1917, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Srs,—A newspaper article a few days ago stroke of " the first duty of an infected person being to get himself cured." How much better if people were taught that the first duty is to keep clean!

--I am, Sir, &e., . V. (Clearly. But, granted a person is infected and knows it, hardly any punishment can be too severe if he or she infects another person, or fails to disclose the fact of infection to a recognized medical practitioner and to make every endeavour to obtain a cure. The law is a great teacher, and penalties make men and women recognize their duties. Till severe penalties were placed on the committing of cruelties on children the world at large did not realize the heinousness of the offence. So it will he if the spreading 'of venereal infection is made a crime severely punished by the Courts.—En. Spectator.]