5 JANUARY 1907, Page 10

Mr. Sheehan, M.P., who recently resigned his seat for Mid.

Cork as a protest against Mr. Redmond's management of the Irish Parliamentary Party, was re-elected unopposed on Monday. In seconding the vote of thanks to the High Sheriff, Mr. William O'Brien, who has taken a vigorous part in pro- moting the return of Mr. Sheehan, made a remarkable speech. Referring to the absence of opposition, Mr. O'Brien said that the party in Ireland which showed the white feather was a doomed party. The Redmondites knew neither how to fight nor make peace. Their defeat on that day was only the first of their humiliations,' and Mr. O'Brien declared that their wanton aggression on Mr. Sheehan had raised a great national and constitutional issue which would have to be fought out in another arena. In conclusion, Mr. O'Brien-alluded darkly to two pending lawsuits of greater national interest than any- thing which had occurred in Ireland since the Parnell Com, mission, which would enable juries of his countrymen to learn for the first time the full truth as to the transactions of the last three years. Further light is thrown on the matter by a long article in Mr. O'Brien's paper, the Irish People, accusing Mr. Redmond of expelling Mr. Sheehan from the Irish Party, of " exterminating " and " assassinating " him, and of depriving him of support from the funds contributed for their maintenance. Mr. Sheehan has also written a letter to Mr. Redmond stating that, failing an immediate apology or reparation for the practices to which he (Mr. Sheehan) was recently subjected, he will not delay action to vindicate his rights. Mr. Sheehan, who is president of the Irish Land and Labour Association, now returns to Parlia- ment as an avowed supporter of Mr. O'Brien in his rebellion against the Redmondite regime.