5 JANUARY 1907, page 11

As To The, Controversy Being Mischievous, Lord Hugh...

instead it has done good in making men understand the real facts of the case,—viz., that Churchmen regard " Cowper- Templeism " with an ever-increasing hostility. "And wisely......

A Disastrous Railway Accident Occurred At Elliot...

in Forfarshire, on the afternoon of Friday week. Owing to the heavy snowfall, the trains proceeding northward had been blocked for twenty-four, hours, but at three o'clock a......

We Note With Much Regret The Death At Calcutta, Where

he had gone to attend the Indian National Congress, of Mr. Samuel Smith, who sat for Flintshire in the Liberal interest from 1886.1906. Mr. Smith, who was born in Kirkcudbright......

Happily There Are Plenty Of Churchmen, Including The...

Canterbury, who have quite as good a right to speak for the Church as Lord Hugh Cecil, who have never admitted that there is any essential opposition between " Cowper-Templeism......

We Publish In Another Column The Balance-sheet Of The...

Experimental Company. In doing so we must offer our apologies to the subscribers for the delay. That delay, however, was not due to any procrastination on our part, but to the......


The Times Of Thursday Printed Extracts From An Estimate Of

the work of Sir Frederick Lugard from the Bulletin of the Committee of French Africa, the most militant organ of French colonial expansion. The Bulletin praises unreservedly Sir......

The Baroness Burdett.coutts, Who Died Last Sunday At The Age

of ninety-two, was born more than a year before the battle of Waterloo. Inheriting a great fortune from her maternal grandfather, Thomas Coutts, the founder of the famous bank,......