5 JANUARY 1907, page 23

The Trade Disputes Act—the Lords' Failure.

[TO TOR EDITOR Or TUB "SPECTATOR."] Sis, — I am glad that you pursue the Trade Disputes Act—or. - at any rate, the total immunity of funds clause—even to its • fastness in the......

Ito Tog Tettor Or Spbctat08.1 Sin,—your Article On...

India" in the Spectator of December 29th, 1909, will be welcomed by all who desire the welfare and progress of the country on its natural and historical lines. That......

The Loss Of The Education Bill.

[To FRE EDITOR OF DRS SPECTATOR1 Sea,—Although I fear I cannot expect you to sympathise with my views on the education question, I ask the favour of a small space in your......

Prayer-book Revision.

[To tax EDITOR Or Tax ''Ssarrima."] SIR, I have read with interest the letters of Mr. Cremer and Mr. Hutton on Prayer-book revision in the Spectator of December 22nd and 29th,......

"ne Quid N1mis "—a Protest.

[To THE EDITOR 07 TIM .'SsecrAinal SIR,—Unless you have finally closed your columns to corre- spondence bearing on the education question, may I (as a Churchman but no partisan)......