5 JANUARY 1907, page 24

Sir Oliver Lodge's Catechism.

ITO THE EOM). Or THE "SPECTATOR " ] Sra,—On the strength of having been for forty years a regular reader of the Spectator, I take the liberty to ask you what is the correct......

Prayer-book Revision.

[To tax EDITOR Or Tax ''Ssarrima."] SIR, I have read with interest the letters of Mr. Cremer and Mr. Hutton on Prayer-book revision in the Spectator of December 22nd and 29th,......

[to The Editor. Or Tu..'spectat08-1 Sia,—in The...

your last issue entitled "The First True Gentleman" the writer has omitted, 'no doubt through lack of space, one note of Christ's character' which, in all reverence, may be said......

"the First True Gentleman."

Sxa,—I have only just read the article on our Lore as the first true gentleman in your last issue, which has beep delayed in delivery. I wish it were possible to have it in the......

Rro Titii Editor Or Till " Srac'rotos..l Sns,—the Vicar...

Church—a theological Ulysses, if he will excuse the sobriquet (we were scholars together in the " sixties ")—has recently attempted to patent an abridged edition of the......

[to Tub Editor Of Till N Epicotator..]

SIR,—There seems no doubt that Dekker• in describing Christ as the first true gentleman meant the first man who was truly "gentle" in the sense in which the word is used, for......