5 JANUARY 1907, Page 24


ITO THE EOM). Or THE "SPECTATOR"] Sra,—On the strength of having been for forty years a regular reader of the Spectator, I take the liberty to ask you what is the correct title of Sir Oliver Lodge's Religious Catechism which is reviewed in the issue of December 22nd, 1906, also where it is to be got. Will you kindly either• let me have a note in reply, or put a few words in the next issue giving the information I ask for P—I am, Sir, &c.,

[Sir Oliver Lodge informs us that his Catechism has at present only been privately printed, and that the reprints which found their way into the newspapers were not authorised by him. It will, however•, shortly be published, with consider- able expansions and explanations appended to every clause. by Messrs. Methuen and Co.—En. Spectator.]