10 FEBRUARY 1855

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Lord Derby's statement in the House of Lords, on Thursday

The Spectator

evening, supplied an omission in the accounts of the Ministerial negotiations. Substantially, it was a defence of himself against the objections of his party, that he should...


The Spectator

Tun " crisis" is over, the Cabinet is reconstructed. It is the ]ate Cabinet over again, with very partial chang es . Lord Aber- deen, who had been the object of popular doubt,...

With Lord John Russell's further explanations on Monday, and Mr.

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Gladstone's rejoinder, we trust that the question which gave Lord John occasion for breaking up the late Ministry is laid at rest. To continue the interpellations, would benefit...

Page 2

On resuming office, the Government finds its foreign relations proceeding

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as before; and, unhappily, the condition of our army in the Crimea proceeds without essential change. There may be im- provements attained or contemplated, but the latest...

Uthntro nut Vrntraings in Varliumtnt.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WREN. Horst or Loans. Monday, Feb. 5. North' American Fisheries Bill read a first time. Tuesday, Feb. 6. Cathedral Appointments Act Continuance Bill...

Page 6

4t Curt.

The Spectator

AT a Privy Council held at Windsor Castle, on Thursday, her Majesty declared Earl Granville Lord President of the Council. Lord Panmure and Mr. Sidney Herbert were sworn two of...

'lie 31Ittroplie.

The Spectator

The Lord Mayor had a great dinner, at the Mansionhouse, on Tuesday. Among the guests were Sir Charles Napier, the Earl of Cardigan, and some other officers recently returned...

Page 8


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A numerous party assembled in the, Music-Hall of Dumfermline on the- 2d instant, to welcome the Earl of Elgin back to his native country, and to congratulate him on the...

(45t VtUnIurto.

The Spectator

The Mayor of Tamworth, according to an annual custom prevailing in the borough, gave a dinner last week to the Corporation and the gentle- men of the town and neighbourhood....


The Spectator

The veteran Sir Edward Blakeney is about to retire from the comma of the forces in Ireland ; a post which be has long and worthily filled,, and in which he has won the respect...

Page 9

,fortign not Colonial.

The Spectator

Faaarce.—The camp at Boulogne is now called " the army of the Rhine" by the journals. It is stated that the troops there will be in- creased to 200,000; that the officers have...

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The Spectator

The Gazette of last night contained a despatch from Lord Raglan to the Duke of Newcastle, enclosing a despatch written by Lieutenant-Co- lonel Simmons at the desire of Omar...

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The Spectator

On the 1st February, in Tavistock Square, the Wife of Edward Belly, Esq., F.E.S., of a daughter. On the 3d, in London, the Countess Joannes, Wife of the Chevalier Count Joan-...

Page 12

The disastrous manifestations of military incapacity in our War ad-

The Spectator

ministration have created a strong and not a favourable impression in Fiance. The case is presented to the French in various ways,--through the published reports, the complaints...

The usual summary of the overland mail arrived by telegraph

The Spectator

this afternoon from Trieste, whence it was forwarded this morning. The latest dates are Hongkong 19th December, Bombay 17th January. "The Burmese Envoy has demanded the...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. All the most important points in the reconstruction of the Ministry appear to be now accomplished ; but it has only been gradually, since Lord Palmerston accepted the...

An unconfirmed report derived from Vienna has appeared in the

The Spectator

papers, that "the Zonaves had mutinied, and demanded a retreat from the Cri- mea. Four hundred of the mutineers had arrived at Constantinople in chains, and will be despatched...

Both Houses of Convocation held the final sitting of the

The Spectator

session yester- day. The Upper House had nothing to do, and only met to enable the Lower House to consider the report of a Joint Committee upon the Clergy Discipline Act. There...

The morningjournals announce, that " her Majesty's Government, in appreciation of

The Spectator

Mr. Peto's services, and more especially of his recent dis- interested and patriotic conduct in retiring from the representation of Norwich to carry out the construction of the...


The Spectator

Among numerous Letters which cover our table, and some of which we will try to find room for, we notice tan more from " Gad " on the Depopulation of the Highlands of Scotland.


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. From a general belief in the early formation of the Ministry, the English Funds opened with firmness on Monday at an improvement of ; and Con-...

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The Spectator

The Anti-Russian feeling is stoutly maintained by the theatres of France. While M. Scribe and Mademoiselle Rachel, at the That . ° Francais, are inspiring their compatriots with...

The story of the " Man in the Iron Mask,"

The Spectator

like that of a false accusa- tion about a stolen watch, is not very new; indeed the particular form of telling that mysterious gentleman's adventures, which is now employed at...

Aram nub 311uffir.

The Spectator

An Italian critic once computed the greatest possible number of tragi- cal collisions, and thus laid the foundation of a future possible science. The greatest number of...

Mrs. Fanny Kemble's reading of the Midsummer Night's _Dream, at

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Exeter Hall on Monday evening, drew as great an audience as when the Messiah or Elijah is performed there : a strong proof of progress in the intellectual and artistic tastes of...

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The Spectator

PALMERSTON, PREMIER. PALMERSTON has at last attained the summit of his anibition, and the Public has that which it has desired, if it did not ask, of the Crown. Both ought to...


The Spectator

TIEE late Government broke down because it failed to grapple effectually with the work of organizing the War departments. The new Government comes into existence upon the...


The Spectator

Ore of the first things with which Lord Palmerston will have to deal on reentering the House of Commons, after his interview as First Lord of the Treasury with the electors of...

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The Spectator

A BLUE Boos of commentaries on the plan of Sir Charles Trevelyan and Sir Stafford Northcote for imparting more of a literary or col- legiate character to the Civil Service has...

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The Spectator

CHARLES barns has constituted the Mansionhouse a court of appeal from the Admiralty. That public department, he says, has "joined in the popular clamour" against himself. As we...


The Spectator

Manchester, lst February 1855. Ma, Enrron—There are some of us here who, acknowledging your answer of last week to Mr. Milner Gibson' to be a complete answer, do still think...

fetters to the titan. POISONOUS VAPOUR OF CHARCOAL.

The Spectator

Iesketh How, Ambleside, 27th January 1855. Sue—In the Evening Mail of the 24th instant is a letter from the Timer special correspondent, in which he states that one officer,...

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8, Sandfield Place, Blackheath, 31st January 1855. Sin—I now send you my promised remarks upon your criticism of my - lecture on Ornamental Design, delivered last month at the...


The Spectator

Ashton-under-Lyne, 7th February 1855. Sin—As a subscriber to your journal, permit me to correct a statement or two in the letter of your able correspondent, Mr. W. Bridges...

Glasgow, 30th January 1855. Sin—I wish your correspondent, Mr. W.

The Spectator

B. Adams, who writes so Bright- like (a small attempt at wit, but it may pass for a Scotchman's) of " ar- tificial manufactures," would inform us what the thousands of my...

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The Spectator

Tuesday, February 6. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. - Symonds and Jones. Liverpool, ship-store-dealers- Hirst and Sons, Builder-Arid, wool-staplers ; so far as regards M. Hirst-Gibbs...


The Spectator

To be Cornets without purcbase-4th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Regimental Sergt.- Major G. Price. 5th Drag. Guards.-Regimental Sergt.-Major H. E. Fitzgerald. 1st Drags.-Regimental...

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The Spectator

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents. Long Annuities Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer 111114, 21d. per diem...

Page 24

Laudon: Printed by Joscru CLAYTON, of 320. Strand, in the

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County of Middlesex, Printer, at the office of JOSZPII Ciarron t No. 10, Crane Court, in the Pariah of 81. Donstan's in the West, in the City of London ; and Published by the...

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The Spectator

FRANK MARRYAT'S MOUNTAINS AND MOLEHILLS. * IN the year 1850 Mr. Marryat started for California, on what he intimates was an experimental visit, and for which he seems to have...

FEBRUARY 10, 1855.

The Spectator

Page 26

MEMOIRS OF JAMES MONTGOMERY. * A MAN of original mind, especially

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if his bias is towards intel- lectual pursuits, is to a great degree independent of time. He may be better fitted for one age than another, but he will acquire some distinction...

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The Spectator

Tint title of this work does not imply what many will imagine, an account of political writings or party satires, such as the old come- dy of the Athenians, and the newspapers,...

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The Spectator

Tam new novel of Mrs. Gore has no relation to the "Mammon" of the present day, which is of a speculating, grasping, neck-or- nothing character, greedy to acquire, but as ready...

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The Spectator

Boons. The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. By R. R. Madden, M.R.I.A. ; Author of "'Travels in the East," &c. .4 Journal of the Swedish Embassy...

Page 30

Aut 3rts.

The Spectator

THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. Relatively, this deserves to be called a good exhibition. The number of successful, fair, and promising pictures, is very decidedly above the average;...

31 it tr.

The Spectator

Songs for a Winter Night. By Edward Francis Fitzwilliam, Musical Director of the _Haymarket Theatre. The composer of these songs, who is the son of the late Mrs. Fitz- william,...

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The Spectator

Though Englishmen have a tolerably definite general notion of the aspect of Norwegian nature, it is not often they see accurate representa- tions of its particular scenes. Mr....


The Spectator

A long-contemplated measure of the active directing body of this Deportment is to be initiated on a complete scale. The Museum of Ornamental Art at Marlborough House is designed...


The Spectator

This work cppeared in numbers, the first of which we noticed at the time of its publication. 'We then expressed distrust of all the stereotyped attempts to teach art by theories...