12 JULY 1924

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The Spectator

THE lately displaced Poincareists in France have lost . no time in their counter-attack on M. Herriot. They took as their opportunity Mr. MacDonald's invitation sent to Belgium,...

The whole incident only serves to show that M. Herriot,

The Spectator

if he is to reach a European settlement, must fight the Poincareists to the death. As this fight must come sooner or later in any case, we do not see that Mr. MacDonald's action...

At last the Democratic Party of America has chosen its

The Spectator

presidential candidate. It did so at the one hundred and third ballot. But perhaps it was worth waiting so long, if the ultimate choice was to be so excellent a one as that of...

Senator Robert La Follette has just accepted the nomination of

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the Independent Progressive Party at Cleveland, Ohio. He stands for a programme of which the Times gives the following summary :- " Its principal features include the public...

It was No. 4 of these which raised the anger

The Spectator

of the Paris Press. In it Sir Eyre Crowe states that the Allies should commit themselves to an undertaking that economic sanctions, on Germany's default, shall not be imposed...

EDITORIAL AND PUBLISHING OFFICES: 13 York Street, Covent Garden, London,

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W.C. 2. A SUBSCRIPTION to THE SPECTATOR COOS Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of the world.

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The building strike which was declared last Saturday is perhaps

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the most muddled industrial dispute we can ever remember. When our greatest industrial sleuth, as Lord Buckmaster has certainly become, confesses himself baffled, it is not for...

We have to record that, contrary to certain anticipa- tions,

The Spectator

the Bank Rate was not raised last week. This does not, of course, mean that it is not going to be raised, but at any rate the harm is not yet done. Those who think with us on...

The Times of Tuesday publishes a somewhat alarming article from

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its Sofia correspondent on a Bolshevik scheme for a great proletarian rising in the Balkans. Arms, he tells us, have been smuggled into Bulgaria in large quantities, and...

Once again Spanish arms are in trouble in the Rif.

The Spectator

Abdel Krim made another attack on the Spanish position and, it appears, scored considerable success. But, as usual, Spanish reinforcements have been able to stem his onset, and...

The Russian Conference goes on. No one will pretend that

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these negotiations are easy, and no one can confi- dently predict their success. But we cannot help deploring such deliberate attempts as that contained in the Times leader of...

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The question of whether or not Everest was conquered before

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she turned and killed her assailants must remain for ever undecided, but there seems a strong probability that Mallory and Irvine did reach the summit before they died. They...

Meanwhile the immediate onus of the strike seems certainly to

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fall upon the men, since the employers were willing to postpone their lock-out notices for a week, during the Court of Inquiry's sitting, while the men refused to withdraw their...

Sir Charles Wakefield has given another example of his generosity

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and public spirit by presenting Sulgrave Manor with an original letter by General Washington. It is dated " Mount Vernon, June 28th, 1788," and is con- cerned with the tomb of...

On Monday the Committee appointed, under the presidency of Sir

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Donald Maclean, to consider the decasualization of the docking industry, issued an interim report. Their conclusion is that until an effective system of registration of all bona...

In the House of Lords on Tuesday, by 166 votes

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to 50, the Liquor (Popular Control) Bill was summarily rejected—a result which we cannot but deplore. Many of the speakers in the House of Lords who opposed the Bill expressed...

Mr. John Murray's interesting recent letter in the Times dealing

The Spectator

with the financial policy of American Trade Unions has been the subject of general comment. Mr. Murray pointed out that the Trade Unions in the United States adopt a much less...

Whether this increased saving on the part of the operatives

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is due to Prohibition, which has made saving easier, or not, we cannot say ; but it is obvious that the movement is one of immense importance. We wish it could be imitated here,...

Mr. Murray recognises that this may mean the first step

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in the control of industry, or a large part of it, by the workers. He does not, however, dread it, but welcomes it as heartily as we do. Here is his comment :- " But in this...

Bank Rate, 4 per cent., changed from 8 per cent.

The Spectator

July 5th. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 101 If ; Thursday week, 100 ; a year ago, 99f. 8} per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 761}; Thursday week, 77* ; a year...

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The Spectator

A BAS LA GUERRE ! VIVE LA. PAIX ! T HE street cries of Paris at the meeting of the two Prime Ministers are of good omen—A kw la guerre ! Vive la paix ! There could be no better...

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T HE British people is just beginning to discover the British Empire. It can hardly be said to have begun to realize all that this discovery implies. But it is, at any rate,...

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The Spectator

W EMBLEY has been a success; as we felt sure it would' be It is popular, it is: useful, it is informative, it is inspiring. In the best sense of the word, and it is a very good...

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The Spectator

C. W. SALEEBY. N O one has said, for no one knows, the last word on the relation of health to athletics : perhaps because, in the first place, no one has yet learnt the last...

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TER N PIERRE VAQUIER, accused of the murder of Alfred Jones, landlord of the Blue Anchor ' Hotel, Byfleet, - sat through the trial apparently quite unconscious that his life was...

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The Spectator

PLUTARCH, IN A . LETTER, TO HIS' . BROTH,ERy L.A,MPRIAS. BY NAOMI MITCHISON. . . Now.about this time it happened that two thousand of the Helots who had fought in those...


The Spectator

The PUBLISHER desires to inform subscribers that arrangements have been made whereby notification of changes inaddresses-to which -copies of the SpEcr.vrou are to be sent can...

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The other important statement concerning future British policy was the

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announcement by the Colonial Secretary after he had referred to the appointment of the Minister Plenipotentiary to represent the Irish Free State at Washington. There was no...

Two important statements concerning the future status of the British

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Empire have been made recently, and they have done much to clarify the atmosphere. Firstly, Lord Parniocir'S" arinminceinent in' the House of Lords that the Government did not...

The recent progress made by the British and American World

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Flight expeditions has re-awakened interest in that undertaking, and at the moment of writing the Americans are at Baghdad, while the British Expedition is at Tokyo. Since the...

There were no short cuts to success in Mr. Dunning's

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ease. He started life on the Prairie Provinces as a farm hand at £2 a month, and waited to take up land for himself until he had become thoroughly acquainted with Western...


The Spectator

ENGLISH-SPEAXING W 0 RL D. BY EVELYN WRENCH. A MONG the large number of visitors from the Dominions who have been over here in connexion with the Wembley Exhibition there is...

Many persons are apt to associate American Indians with North

The Spectator

America only, and yet in North America they are practically extinct, while in South America their total number is not far short of 50 millions. The distinguished Argentinian...

The problem of - the representation &Ale Dominions of the British Commonwealth

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in foreign countries continues to occupy attention. While the principle of Dominion diplomatic representation abroad was agreed to over a year ago in the case of Canada,...

American public opinion is becoming very restive over the homicide

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statistics in the United States, and many references to the subject are contained in the remarks of public speakers and in the Press. Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman, the insurance...

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ONE of the points made clear on Monday night was the fact that a farcical opera such as Rimsky-Korsakoff's Le Coq d'Or is one of the few instances where an English _translation...


The Spectator

MESTROVIC OR MADAME TUSSAUD ? THERE seems to be little doubt that the wax figure is, from the aesthetic point of view, extremely nauseating. It was Edmund Burke, I think, who...

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The Spectator

[This week we say farewell to " Tarn " (A. Williams-Ellis) and welcome Mr. H. W. Massingham as our regular dramatic critic : we publish, therefore, a criticism from each.] " A...


The Spectator

IF the Old Vic (of - Waterloo Road) is a theatre with a mission, the Lyric (of Hammersmith and Mr. Nigel Playfair) may fairly be called a theatre with a pose. Both institutions...

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The Spectator

THE BANKERS' THREAT. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It would be of interest to know how long it takes before a natural sequence becomes generally accepted as such. How...

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[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sza—Major Douglas's remarks on my review of his Social Credit find me entirely willing to leave the matter just where he leaves it ; in the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, It is with regret I see that the correspondence started by Mr. J. W. Scott on the possibilities of allotments has " fizzled out." In the...

f To the Editor of the SPEcrwron.] SIR,—May I be

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permitted to submit another point, which to my mind stands in need of elucidation ? What, exactly, is the value to us of a Free Market in Gold ? Does the word " gold " in this...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Forty-five years ago, when I was a youth, I heard Dr. Henry Allon speak of the Spectator in such terms, from the pulpit, that I forthwith...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —The article entitled " Some Profiteering' Facts " appearing in your issue of May 31st last, treats of a phase of modern life which is as...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Some time ago you permitted me to contribute a brief letter to your columns calling attention to the danger arising to the formation of...


The Spectator

'[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Three weeks ago I published in your columns " The Rest of the Picture," an article on the politics of Central Europe with special...

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The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The extract of a letter from " South African " in your issue of June 7th, and the letter from Messrs. J. & E. Hall in your issue of June...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—May we call your attention to the formation of a Society for Cultural Relations between the Peoples of the British Commonwealth and the...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I regret that my attention has only just been drawn to Professor S. D. Adshead's article in your issue of .June 7th, and I trust that you...

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The Spectator

ORANG1I-TREE BY NIGHT. Ir you feel for it, pressing back the glossy leaves, The fruit looks cold, as if its sullen fire is dying : So red the ember that you scarcely dare to...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the Ssficx,tron.] Sin,—The phrase was in use in Germany before the War. In Der Eurvpdische Krieg, 1913, which I bought at Marienbad in 1912, the phrase occurs...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —The- New Zealand Government having wisely decided to exhibit a large and complete collection of native birds at the Empire Exhibition at...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] justice to the members of our Old Boys' Association, I feel that I ought to ask you to correct a mis-spelling in your article on Harrogate. The...

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The Spectator

LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. Cambridge Readings in the Literature of Science. Arranged by W. C. Dampier Whetham and Margaret Dampier Whetham. (Cambridge University Press. 7s. 6d....

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A HISTORY of Toryism is long overdue, and in this brilliant and suggestive volume Mr. Maurice Woods sets it forth with much skill and force. He writes throUghout with immense...


The Spectator

THIS WEEK'S BOOKS. - THE most interesting book - of the week has a dull title and a depressing format : it is A Survey of the History of Education, by Helen Wodehouse (Arnold)....

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" AS IF."

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The Philosophy of " As If." By Hans Vaihinger. Translated _ by C. K. Ogden. (Kagan Paul. 25s. net.) Monr in detail, wrong in emphasis—the worst one could say of a philosopher....

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Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary. Selected and Translated by H. L Woolf. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.) " THERE are pious men among us ; but where are the wise men ? Where...

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Modern Philosophy. By C. E. M. Joad. (Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d. net.) Tins book is a somewhat surprising performance. It repre- sents a new departure in the policy of the Oxford...


The Spectator

FROM GRAVE TO GAY., C. By Maurice Baring. (Heinemann. 15s.) C. is an enormously long book. Though written with rigid economy of phrase and the simplest vocabulary, it' reaches...


The Spectator

Roman York : the Legionary Headquarters and Colonia of Eboracum. By Gordon Home. (Ernest Benn. 12s. 6d.) . THE conception generally held of Britain during the Roman occupation...

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Mr. Bridge's first volume, describing the regency of Anne of Beaujeu, revealed him as a historian of exceptional promise. His second volume, on the Italian adventure of Charles...

MORE QUEER-THINGS ABOUT LONDON. By Charles G. Harper. (Cecil Palmer.

The Spectator

7s. 6cL ) Those who enjoyed Mr. Harper's Queer Things About London will' certainly enjoy More Queer 27iings. The second book is quite as good as the first. It is, however,...

OTHER NOVELS.—The Unholy Experiment. By Con- stance Smedley. (Matto and

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Windus. 7s. 6d. net.)— This novel might almost take its place as a story -of travel, as it includes an .account of the journey troni New YOrk to California and back again... The...

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The Spectator

[BY OUR CITY EDITOR.] MONETARY AND OTHER UNCERTAINTIES. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—When some of the factors calculated to restrain business on the Stock Exchange...

This book, which is dedicated to the memory of the

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late Bishop Watts-Ditchfield, is a -dissuasive from gambling, with which, in spite of the writer's good intentions, it is diffi- cult to go all the way. " Gambling " is what...

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The Spectator

As - anticipated, the flotation of the English portion of the Hungarian Loan proved a thoroughly successful operation, and it speaks well for the investment resources of this...