16 FEBRUARY 1968

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Immigration: the choice

The Spectator

In spite of the tightening of controls by the resent Government, immigration from the ommonwealth, the vast bulk of it from sia, Africa and the West Indies, amounted last year...

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Exit censor, enter martyrs

The Spectator

All censors are unpopular: the Lord Cham- berlain in his role of theatre censor is both unpopular and anachronistic as well. The Theatres Bill (published this week) will strip...

All the way with LBJ?

The Spectator

Last weekend the Leader of the Opposition attacked the Prime Minister for presuming to lecture the United States on its conduct of the war in Vietnam. Certainly, Mr Wilson is in...

Portrait of the week

The Spectator

Mr Wilson the peacemaker returned from Washing- ton with not much to show for it; he had been entertained at a state dinner with a rendering of 'The road to Mandalay' and on ars...

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Sikh joke

The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS All busmen's hats must have a peak To show the citizens they're urban. What of a country-loving Sikh Who wears on principle a turban? Religious whimsies...

Mr Heath lets himself go

The Spectator

POLITICAL COMMENTARY AUBERON WAUGH In the cold air of an English February it is very hard to see how Vietnam could ever become a major issue in British politics. If our...

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The strategy of General Giap

The Spectator

VIETNAM General Yo Nguyen Clap, the North Viet- namese Defence Minister and victor of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, has taken personal comnzand of the communist offensive at Khe...

No more Cubas

The Spectator

LATIN AMERICA JOSEPH CHAPMAN Travelling in Latin America one looks for the revolution as for the skeleton under the stairs. Not the sort of coup or golpe which happens...

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Mature student

The Spectator

EDUCATION STEWERT GORE 'Are you by any chance my tutor?' asked the balding, learned-looking type with the rich Viennese brogue. 'I'm sorry, I'm a student too. I replied. It was...

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A modest proposal

The Spectator

REFORM FERDINAND MOUNT After the reform of the laws on homosexuality, abortion and now divorce, the time will surely soon be ripe to tackle yet another overdue measure of...

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100 cranky ways to confuse the issue

The Spectator

BACKING BRITAIN ANGUS MAUDE, MP Mr Robert Maxwell, MP, is a jolly sort of chap, who has built up a large business and made a lot of money. He is also a strong supporter of the...

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The Spectator

J. W. M. THOMPSON I've been struck by the hint of sourness which has tinged the celebration of the votes for women jubilee. In one sense the phenomenon is familiar: some cause...

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Predictions for 1993

The Spectator

PERSONAL COLUMN JOHN ROWAN WILSON I was reading the other day about a new approach to research which has been taken up by the Organisation for European Co- operation and...

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The Spectator

Picture protest DONALD McLACHLAN To a complaint of 'vulgar sensationalism' against one of his pictures the editor of the Sunday Mirror replied a couple of years ago that 'it...

A hundred years ago

The Spectator

From the 'Spectator,' 15 February 1868—It seems to be generally admitted that Lord Derby is holding office only as a pis aller. He is in really weak health, wants quiet above...

Uncertain stakes

The Spectator

THE LAW R. A. CLINE Going to law is generally recognised to be a bit of a gamble, but never more so than when the subject of the lawsuit is gambling. Not that there is any...

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Gaps and glosses

The Spectator

TABLE TALK DENIS BROGAN Princeton, NJ—About a fortnight ago, I en- countered in the corridors of the New York Times its most distinguished thinker (he is also the most...

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To the barricades! BOOKS

The Spectator

HENRY TUBE It has been apparent for some time that, in common with many other aspects of our national scene, ihe English novel is in a parlous plight. Yes, we have Anthony...

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An upright man

The Spectator

QUINTIN HOGG Richard Wilton: A Forgotten Victorian Mary Ellamire Young (Allen and Unwin 35s) If you want a few moments' relief from the noise and squalor of contemporary life,...

Early Janeites

The Spectator

JOHN BAYLEY Jane Austen : The Critical Heritage edited by B. C. Southam (Routledge 42s) The 'Critical Heritage' is an estimable series, and this is perhaps its best...

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The Spectator

J. 0. URMSON Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis Friedrich Waismann (Blackwell 45s) Though a knowledge of the intellectual back- ground of a philosopher is always useful, his...

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Sydney's shame

The Spectator

- ROBERT HUGHES Certain tribes in New Guinea build, at the base of their fetishes, small thatched huts. At night, the god descends to rest in them, feastidg on blood and eggs....

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Shorter notices

The Spectator

Home LeRoi Jones (MacGibbon and Kee 30s) Mr Jones's writing is clumsy and his message restricted: 'The Black Artist's role in America is. to aid in the destruction of America as...

Heavy scent

The Spectator

OSBERT LANCASTER Brian Howard edited by Marie-Jacqueline Lancaster (Anthony Blond 70s) For whom exactly this macabre festschrift- 70s and almost 700 pages—is intended is not...

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True' romance ARTS

The Spectator

HILARY SPURLING It is a huge pleasure, at a time when Iris Mur- doch has recently been so much abused, to wel- come her second play to the West End; especially in a week when...

Figures' last stand

The Spectator

ART PAUL GRINKE The Marlborough Gallery last week enshrined a little corner of English painting and paid simul- taneous homage to its dedicated bearleader, Helen Lessore. The...

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The Spectator

Polish polish PENELOPE HOUSTON Le Depart (Paris-Pullman, 'A') The Mercenaries (London Pavilion, 'X') Le Depart is a film made in Belgium, by a Polish director, with leading...

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Great guns

The Spectator

MUSIC EDWARD BOYLE The current series of concerts by Pierre Boulez and the BBC Symphony Orchestra is clearly going to rank among the major musical events of 1968: last...

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The wars of the red roses

The Spectator

MON EY CHRISTOPHER FILDES Britain's bread hangs by Lancashire thread— or so Lancashire was told after the war. This was the slogan of the government campaign to get workers...

of Lombard Street Mini-skirts

The Spectator

NICHOLAS DAVENPORT It has always seemed to me that the revered joint stock banks tend to behave like a fashion-crazy bunch of women. Once a mini-skirt comes prancing down...

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Two cheers for Mr Jenkins

The Spectator

BUSINESS VIEWPOINT PHILIP COLEBROOK When President Johnson hurled his economy bombshell into world trade at the beginning of this year, it was estimated that Britain's balance...

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The Spectator

CHRISTOPHER FILDES This is the season for giving the Chancellor advice about his budget: and since he is always offered a variety of odd ideas, I hope he won't mind one more...

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Market report

The Spectator

CUSTOS A more cautious tone has persisted in the stock market, with the Financial Times index down to 413 by midweek. January's good export figures cheered the market, but only...

ffolkes's business alphabet

The Spectator

A banker

The Spectator

PORTFOLIO JOHN BULL As a shareholder in Barclays Bank I whole- heartedly approve of the massive realignment of British banking which has been announced over the past fortnight....

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The revenge of failure

The Spectator

Sir: It is unfortunate that in Mr Simon Raven's latest outburst against the unspeakable non-public- school population (9 February) any valid points that he may have had have...

Out of court

The Spectator

Sir: May I suggest that your correspondent Tibor Szamuely has been a little unfair to the Sunday Times cohort in this dispute over Gerald Brooke (2 February)? First, in the...

Sympathy, yes: support, no

The Spectator

LETTERS From Graham Hallett, E. F. G. Haig, P. V. Waddington, T. C. Skeffington-Lodge, John Ashe, Mrs Josephine Boyle, F. Garside, Mrs Nancy Inwood, R. C. Proctor, E. H. Cain...

Sir: It is about time people stopped to look at

The Spectator

the situation in true perspective. In Vietnam we Sir: It is about time people stopped to look at the situation in true perspective. In Vietnam we have a testing-ground for new...

The Prime Minister

The Spectator

Sir: How patronising can you be? You condescend after your disgraceful Christmastide attack on him, following which (to your credit), you were courteous enough to publish a...

Frustrations of a super-power

The Spectator

Sir: You write in your leader of 2 February that America's justification in the Vietnam war has always been `that the United States must demon- strate its willingness and...

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On the dole

The Spectator

Sir: Lady de Zulueta (Letters, 9 February), like many people, is disturbed to discover that there are men with large families who choose to draw National Assistance and...


The Spectator

Sir: Your correspondent Mr Man Smith (Letters, 2 February) was clever to notice that many who supported the Abortion Bill also seek to prohibit hare coursing; but in drawing the...

The war of Mr Jones's teeth

The Spectator

Sir: In an article in your issue of 2 February, Mr Auberon Waugh makes the statement that the salaries of university teachers have just gone up by 7-} per cent. This is wholly...

Poetry for you

The Spectator

Sir: I was much amused by the Rev Fred Adams's letter in your issue of 2 February. I am almost certain that it was in the SPECTATOR about thirty- five years ago that I read a...

Backing Britain

The Spectator

Sir: As an ex-serviceman, 1914 vintage, I am still a sucker for a patriotic call to sacrifice. In my seventy-fourth year I am useless on the production line yet I find it...

The great exchange fraud

The Spectator

Sir: Being neither train robber nor Prime Minister, I have none of those financial facilities which my name might seem to command. I, therefore, read with considerable...

Twilight of umpire

The Spectator

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS Yes indeed, writes breathless, brittle-moustached man with his mouth to the microphone and his ear to the ground, beer-sodden Alf Burbage, it was cough,...

Letter to Britannia

The Spectator

Sir: May I add a small postscript to Strix's ad- mirable `Letter to Britannia' (2 February)? Upon my recently upending a collection bag, thought to contain only West German five...

Page 28

No. 486: The winners Competitors were asked to compose an

The Spectator

octet on one of the following subjects : the birth of a Royal corgi; the Unkindest Cut of All; an appeal supporting Mrs Whitehouse's 'Clean Up TV' campaign. After a few weeks...

No. 488: Octet

The Spectator

COMPETITION Competitors are invited to compose an eight- line poem or stanza of a poem on any one of the subjects given below, using four of the fol- lowing five pairs of words...

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Crossword no.1313

The Spectator

Across 1 Hairdos for passengers in fast liners? (8) 5 Put me in the gun when making port (6) 9 It surmounts the 1 ac. of sefioras and setioritas (8) 10 Pitfalls for drummers (6)...

Chess no. 374

The Spectator

PHILIDOR 13:ack White 12 men 9 men C. GuideIli (Guidelli-Ellerman folder, 1917). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 373 (Abdurahmanovic):...