22 MARCH 1834

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The Spectator

It is not only in the House of Lords that Ministers have receded from the Reform principles which they once so manfully avowed : they discountenance, as a Cabinet, and some of...

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Stockjobbing rumours of great successes gained by the Pedroites in

The Spectator

Portugal, have been afloat during the week, but they all turn out to be false. There is an impression however, conveyed by the last accounts, that the Queen's prospects are...

No change has taken place in the Spanish Ministry; though

The Spectator

it is said that the Count DE TOREN° would be placed at its head in the room of MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA. The Queen Regent and her sister, who had quarrelled, have become reconciled....

Bebatesi nab tirannannst in parliament. 1. AMENDMENT OF THE LAW

The Spectator

OF LIBEL. Bebatesi nab tirannannst in parliament. 1. AMENDMENT OF THE LAW OF LIBEL. A Select Committee, "to consider the present state of the Law of Libel, and report their...

Commercial affairs are improving in the United States. Messrs. ALLEN

The Spectator

and Co. are going on again. They have shown their creditors a surplus of 500,000 dollars.

The debates in the Chamber of Deputies on the new

The Spectator

law against associations, occupy the French newspapers, to the exclu- sion of almost every other subject. An amendment, proposed by M. BBRENGER, one of the Tiers Parti, which...

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• StictrapaIi4.

The Spectator

There was a very full meeting of the Middlesex Magistrates on Thursday. After sonic preliminary business bad been disposed of, a discussion ensued relative to the intentions of...

(rbc Court.

The Spectator

THE King inspected the troops at Windsor on Sunday morning ; and atterwards, in company w:th the Queen and Lords Frederick and Adolphus Fitzelarence, attended divine service in...

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ebt Catnap.

The Spectator

The Durham C7ironicle gives detailed statements of the comparative numbers of Churchmen and Dissenters at Neweastle.upon. Tyne, Morpeth, Sunderland, and Bishop- Wearmouth and...

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The Spectator

A numerous meeting of the inhabitants of Edinburgh assembled last week in the Cowgute Chapel, to petition Parliament for a revision of the Corn-laws with a view to their final...


The Spectator

Mr. Frederick Pollock was on Monday last, at Lancaster, sworn as Attorney-General for the Duchy, in the room of Sir John Williams, now one of the Barons of the Exchequer. [Mr....

Many articles are again unavoidably excluded, by tine pressure or

The Spectator

Parliamentary matter in our columns. The nmproaching !Recess will enable us to clear oft airears due to Correspondents and Nonpolitical Headers.

No commercial treaty for the whole of Germany has yet

The Spectator

been framed by the Congress at Vienna. The Leipsic Gazette states, that Austria can, without inconvenience, remain in her actual condition as regards commercial mattt Ts.


The Spectator

Mr. Barry, M.1'. for Cork county, has written to some friends here, stating that he cannot and will not vote for the Repeal of the Union when that question is brought forward,...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. The letter of O. P. Q. establishes a strong case of violation of the Charter by the Government of Louts PHILIP. From another cor- respondent we have received...

An action of trespass and false imprisonment was tried on

The Spectator

Friday last week, at the Catebadge Assizes. It was brought by Mr. John Stewart, a gentleman of fmttine and good emmexions, and a member of the University of Cambridge, against...

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It cannot be true that Ministers have any idea of

The Spectator

making Chief Justice Denman a Peer. If Lord Grey's Government be absurd enough to offer it, we may be forced to remind them of the credit which they laid claim to, when Sir...


The Spectator

No. VIII. FRANCE—LAW AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN SOCIETY, ASSOCIATION. Voiles vous, Mes4eurs, quo je runs disc avec franchise ma pensee?—C'est rine vOUS Ztes...

From a communication received this morning from Paisley, we learn

The Spectator

with pleasure that Mr. CaawFuttn will probably be returned for that borough. The stanch Reformers, seeing that the division of their body would probably secure the success of...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE SPF:CTATOR. wethicsday. 10th Mandl 1534. SIR—As I know you are intereatell in the cause of Mr. „loons . Clean - Yuan, I send the following particulars of...

A Danish journal, published at Kiel, contains an article pointing

The Spectator

out the great advantages which would result from the formation of an intimate trailing connexion between England and Denmark. The in- terest of Denmark is said to be adverse to...


The Spectator

SToeK ExellANOZ, FRIDAY ATTERN00N. The commercial crisis in the United States still casts a gloom over our money market; and though, as we anticipated in our last, the most...

Sir Ro BERT FR A NK IA ND having retired

The Spectator

from the representation of his borough of Thirsk, it was supposed that Sir Jolts: CAMPBELL would fill his place. This report, however, has been contradicted ; and it is...


The Spectator

Arrivals—None. Sailed—From Gravesend, March Hilh, Loterelia, Nluirbead. for New South Wales ; Edward Loads., Strogan, for Vat, Ihetheu*s Land; and Anna Robertson, Dante, for...

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The Spectator

DISFRANCHISEMENT OF CORRUPT BOROUGHS. CONDUCT OF EARL GREY. EARL GREY has distinctly refused to give any support, in his capacity of Minister of the Crown, to the measures now...


The Spectator

IN the list of the minority on Major FANCOURT'S motion for the abolition of military flogging, we look in vain for the name of Sir FRANCIS BURDETT. Where on that night was...


The Spectator

PARLIAMENT is on the point of breaking up for the Easter Holy- days ; and as yet, not one of the great measures of the session is in a fit state to be laid before it. Church and...

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The Spectator

Trie public hears much of Trades Unions, but is very imperfectly acquainted with their organization and proceedings; for these so- cieties am bound together by oaths of secrecy,...


The Spectator

(('ontinued.) A. A facetious argument ; taken without any dispute on terms. The agriculturists say to the manufacturers, "By the right by which our forefathers slept with your...

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The Spectator

NOTWITHSTANDING the strong attraction of TAGLIONI'S benefit at the Opera-house, the last of these excellent concerts drew a very full room on Thursday night. The selection did...


The Spectator

THE instrumentalists seemed determined to have the triumph in Monday night's concert; and certainly they succeeded. They brought BEETHOVEN, SPOHR, MOZART, and WEBER,...

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The Spectator

EXCEPTING in his last campaign, Sir JOHN MOORE was a fortu- nate man : fortunate in his parents, his connexions, his promo- tion, his undertakings; and still more fortunate in...


The Spectator

B10.11•PlIT, The Life of Lieutenaut-Geueral Sir John Moore, K.13. By his Brother, lames Car- rick Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. Murray. Iltsiony, On the Study of General History; an...

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The Spectator

A HOMEWARD-BOUND East Indiaman, manned in a measure hi s r Malays, and some Europeans of equivocal appearance, charm - My picked out of a wreck, has a good-natured captain, and...


The Spectator

IN these days of striking paradox and skilful compilation, it is gratifying to peruse a production like the present, which not only throws into forty pages the result of many...