22 MAY 1880

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Mr. Forster, replying to the Irish demand for a promise

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to investigate the land question, said that no statesman who had. given any attention to Irish subjects doubted that the attempt to improve Ireland always brought you back to...

There was an interlude in the general debate in the

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Lords, - the Duke of Marlborough and Earl Spencer, two passed Viceroys, fighting over the non-renewal of the Peace Preserva- tion Act. The Duke observed that secret...


The Spectator

P A_RLIAMENT was opened for business on the 20th inst. The Queen's Message, though not long, was very signifi- cant of the change which has come over affairs. Her Majesty hopes,...

The debate in the Lords was tame. Lord Beaconsfield wished

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to know what "active measures" the Government pro- posed to take in Turkey ; asked an explanation of the sending of an Extraordinary Ambassador; joked about the promise to...

In the House of Commons, where the Address was moved

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and seconded, with unusual ability, by Mr. Albert Grey and Mr. Hugh Mason respectively, the former supporting a foreign policy of sympathy, and the latter lending his sanction...

Mr. O'Connor Power, in moving an amendment expressive of the

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wish that the Irish land question should receive immediate attention, "with a view to legislation," reproached the Ministry with the meagre character of their programme, and...

*** TkeEdelors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any case.

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The Sandwich election was virtually settled before there was any

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Liberal candidate in the field. It appears that the Con- servative candidate, Mr. Crompton-Roberts, had very early secured Committee-rooms in almost all the public-houses, and...

Lord Lytton has carried out his policy of forming Candahar

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into a separate State. On the 11th inst., Shere Ali, the- new Prince, or Wall, or Khedive, or whatever he is, was publicly saluted as independent in the name of the Empress' of...

The Lord-Advocate has lost his election for the Wigtown Burghs

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by a majority of 23 (656 voting for the Conservative, Mr. Mark Stewart, against 633 for the Lord-Advocate). The Lord-Advocate's majority last month was not very large, he having...

Mr. Parnell has been elected Sessional Chairman of the Home-

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rule party in Parliament, by a majority of 21 against 18 for Mr. Shaw. Mr. R. Power (not Mr. O'Connor Power, as has been erroneously supposed, for he was absent, and wrote a...

Mr. Plimsoll is about to vacate his seat at Derby,

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in order that the Home Secretary, Sir William Harcourt, may regain his place in Parliament, partly because he feels grateful to Sir- William Harcourt for former support in the...

The new Bill making the enforcement of the old May

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laws among the Catholic clergy in Prussia optional on the part of the- Government of Prussia was introduced into the Prus- sian Diet on Thursday, and is quite a unique fragment...

The expected meeting of the leading members of the Con-

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servative party was held on the 19th inst., at Bridgewater House. Some 500 invitations had been issued, all defeated candidates being included, but only 400 attended, and the...

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The French Minister of the Interior, M. Lepere, has fallen,

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:and his Under-Secretary, M. Constans, hitherto a comparatively unknown man, has been appointed to his office, and admitted into the Cabinet in his stead. M. Lephre resigned in...

According to the Times, the relations of England and France

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have just been marked by a very noteworthy incident. M. Lon Say was sent here mainly to negotiate a new Treaty of Com- merce, and he pleaded to Lord Granville that in order to...

There seems to be a very uncomfortable fishery dispute still

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unsettled between Great Britain and the United States, the main issue being this, — whether the United States took the fishing privileges to which they were entitled in common...

Professor Colladon, of Geneva, has made some interesting observations on

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the course of lightning when it strikes trees and houses. He holds that the great discharges which injure trees and houses seldom or never happen while the light- ning has an...

The precise method by which the Government hope to enforce

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reforms in Turkey is, of course, not yet known, and cannot be known until Mr. Goschen has reached Constantinople; but there is a consensus of opinion upon the Continent as to...

The Italian Elections came off on Sunday, but they are

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not yet finished, as about 150 second ballots must be taken to- morrow. The general result can, however, it is said, be pre- dicted with some accuracy. The Premier, S. Cairoli,...

Consols were on Friday 99' 6 to 991.

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THE OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. T HE opening of Parliament has not proved a very sensa- tional affair, but it has already produced a marked effect on the political imaginations of...

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I T was quite time the interregnum should end. Students of English politics are well aware of the frequent falsity of the opinion formed, or rather, said to be formed, during a...


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L ORD ORANMORE and BROWNE and the British Refor- mation Society evidently do not understand, in the small- est degree, how far the spirit of the Catholic Emancipation Act and of...

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T HE rumours of Lord Beaconsfield's resolve to resign the Leadership of his party have all died away, in presence of his own declaration to his party assembled in Caucus at...

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T HE most interesting fact about M. Lepere's resignation of the French Ministry of the Interior, is that nobody is particularly interested in it. That Ministry has always been...

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T HE lot of the Head of a College is not an easy one. To the visitors who fill Oxford and Cambridge during the Summer Term, and catch glimpses of shady gardens and oak- panelled...

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R. ARNOLD has recently got hold of a crotchet of which , he is extremely proud. It is that Poetry is a surer and more solid stay for the soul than any religion ; indeed, if we...

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W E do not see much reason for the extreme interest taken by the public in the Lambri trial, which was remark- able chiefly for the enormous publicity and importance granted by...

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N ERS. GARRETT-ANDERSON does well to preach to 1 teachers and parents respecting the evils of too much excitement of the brain and of nervous energy in modern educa- tion. There...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] Si,—Allow me to offer a correction of a now very common error, which I find reproduced in your columns of to-day,—I mean the use of the word...


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THE CLERGY AND POLITICS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "apscreros..-] .Sm, — Your correspondent, "A Hospital Chaplain," combines so much genuine liberality of feeling with so much...


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(TO THE EDITOR OF TIM "BrEcrATou."1 SIR,—In an article in your issue of the 15th inst., you Observe that "not only Catholics but non-Catholic literary men," were among the...

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ALFRED HINT ON LANDSCAPE PAINTING. MR. ALFRED Hurr's paper upon" Modern English Landscape Painting," in this month's number of the Nineteenth Century, is one of those articles...


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[TO TES EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—I cannot but think it "rather unfortunate" that you should blame me for having, as a Crown member of the Senate of the University of...


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A .LOVE-SONG. I WILL not reason why I love, Or what I love in thee ! There breathes some secret from above In every flower we see. Suddenly as we pass we own Some glimpse or...

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NORDENSKIOLD AND THE NORTH-EAST PASSAGE.* EVERY ONE now knows that Professor Nordenskiold has per- formed an exploit which may do more to unite nations who at present are too...

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WHEN Horace wrote the much-quoted words, which Coningtorr renders by the following couplet,— "But gods, and men, and booksellers agree To place their ban on middling poetry," he...

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the Academy toils through the crowded rooms at Burlington House on a hot summer afternoon, his eye—tired by following the long succession of gorgeous person- ages, historical...

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THERE is a certain amount of novelty in this novel, chiefly as regards the method and the quality of thought; there is con- siderable power shown in the treatment of some of the...

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MIL COX'S GENESIS OF EVIL.* Mn. Con begins his preface

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with a significant sentence :—" It is my happiness, as it is that of many Nonconformist ministers, to preach to a congregation composed of personal friends, who have been...

Page 21

The Countess Daphne. By "Rita." 3 vols. (Chapman and Hall.)

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—This novel is written in a lively and picturesque style, while the writer manages with no little skill the soniewhat quaint machinery which she has chosen to employ for tolling...


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The Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Books of Liey's History of Rome. A Literal Translation from the Text of Madvig, with Historical Intro- duction. By a First-Classtnan. (Thornton.)—"...

Page 22

Exemplaria Cheltoniensia. Ilerbertus Kynaston, A.M. (Mac- millan.)—These copies of Latin

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verse, which Mr. Kynaston has done for the benefit of his scholars, are scarcely as good as we should have expected from a scholar of his reputation. We take the first two...

Science for All. Edited by Robert Brown. Vol. I. (Cassell,

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Potter, and Galpin. 1879.)—This fully-illustrated and pleasantly. written volume brings many of the results of 'natural-science and natural-history investigations before the...

The Idealism of Art. By the Rev. A. R. Goldie.

The Spectator

(Pickering and Co. 1879.)—Mr. Goldie gives us six chapters, respectively headed "Beauty," "Sculpture," "Painting," "Music," "Colour," and "The Ideal of Art Realised ;" to these...

The History of ths Honourable Artillery Company. By Captain G.

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A. Raikes. 2 vols. (Bentley.)—It is not the fault of this very complete work that the critic finds very little to say about it. It is we should suppose, almost exhaustive of its...

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Vida : Study of a Girl. By Amy Dunsmuir. 2

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vele. (Macmillan.) —It is scarcely doing justice to this novel to call it hopeful, the epithet which we commonly apply to a meritorious first effort. There is more than hope in...