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The amended plan of Ministers for the extinetiotNf Movie' Slavery,

The Spectator

was received in Jamaica on the 19th Julipind the in telligence gave general satisfaction. Even the Jamaica Courant, a journal which bitterly denounced the former plan, admits...


The Spectator

THE despotic rulers of the Continent appear to be much alarmed at the turn the world is taking. We mentioned last week, that the Emperor NICHOLAS and the King of PRUSSIA had...

The Belgian Chamber of Deputies has been engaged in discus-

The Spectator

sing the budget for 1833. The Minister of Finance, according to the eorre pondent of the Times, made the following general state- ment of the income and expenditure of the...

The French Government is preparing an expedition to their African

The Spectator

colony ; which is surrounded by such active and trouble- some enemies, as to render it a very expensive and profitless ac- quisition. Accounts from Toulon to the 25th of August...

Notwithstanding all the accounts which have been published of the

The Spectator

retreat of the Russian army from Constantinople, it is now said that they have not departed to any great distance from it; a large body of troops being still stationed at...

The plenipotentiaries of the Dutch King have received a com-

The Spectator

munication from their toaster, which will lead to a renewal of the Conference. It is now said that it was only broken off until fur- tiler instructions could be received from...

Don CARLOS expects to receive powerful aid from the French

The Spectator

officers in BOURMONT'S army (for it seems to be generally ad- mitted that their occupation in Portugal is almost gone), in his at- tempt to seize the Spanish crown upon the...

We have no certain intelligence from Portugal this week ;

The Spectator

and the rumours which reach us by way of Paris are unusually vague. It is said that the Duke iv CADAVAL and General MOLELLOS have submitted to Don PEDRO ; and that BouamoNT, who...

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South America is recovering rapidly from the destructive effects of

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civil conflicts. Should the country continue in its present com- paratively tranquil state, our manufacturers and merchants may at length reap profit from their trading...

The Old Bailey Sessions commenced on Thursday, at the Old

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Court ; when some additional consequences of the "mistake" of Mr. Rotch and his fellow Magistrates became apparent. Two prisoners refused to plead ; alleging that they had been...

Cbe etr000lfist.

The Spectator

On Tuesday morning, according to annual custom, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, attended by the officers of the Corporation, proceeded in state from the Mansionhouse, to...

frbe Court.

The Spectator

THEIR Majesties had a grand dinner-party at Windsor on Saturday last. Among the company, were the Earl and Countess Grey, Prince and Princess Lieven, Lord Palmerston, Mr. and...

Reports of theresignation by the Marquis of ANGLESEA of the

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Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland, and the appointment of the Marquis WELLESLEY in his place, have been very prevalent during the week. Whether they are well or ill founded, we have...

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ebt Country.

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A requisition is in course of signature for convening a general meet- ing of the friends and admirers of the late Mr. Wilberforce connectet. with Yorkshire. It is intended that...

The following account is given in the Times, of the

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way in which the wife and children of a man named Robinson, inmates of the house in Monmouth Street, occupied by Joseph the clothesman, and destroyed by fire on Thursday week,...

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An inquest was held on Saturday last, at Wantage, on

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the body of Mrs. Ann Pullin, who kept a public-house in Newbery Street in that place. Her body was discovered about six o'clock in the morning, by her step-son, lying on the...

Dudley Thornton, eldest son of Sir Edward Thornton, of Wens--

The Spectator

bury, was drowned on Monday last, in the Yealin River, Plymouth, where he was bathing with his brothers. On Friday week, Mr. A. Prideaux, of Totness, who bad been for some time...

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The effects of the gale which commenced blowing on the evening of Friday, and continued with unabated violence during the whole of Sa- turday, have been terribly disastrous on...

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The trees in the Parks were almost d enu d e d, a nd their foliage marched to Inniskeen, on the borders of the county of Monaghan, the purpose of gratunouely reaping the crops...

those in exposed places; probably in consequence of the wind

The Spectator

catching the tops It seems decided that the electors of the county of Stirling may of the poles, instead of partly expanding its force hmeath the head of the bine. shortly be...

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if( idcriTancriu#.

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The Report of the Select Committee appointed to ascertain the number of Members of the House of Commons who at present bold office or derive emolument under the Crown, &e. has...

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A correspondent in Manchester informs us, that the Factory Bill

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is likely to be made a dead letter, by the passive resistance of the factory- owners. We are told that it is their determination to disregard the Eight Hours regulation...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. The latest news from Ireland is contained in the following extract from the Globe of this evening. The working of another boasted mea- sure for the settlement...

II %re have received the following letter from Paris :—Ourcorrespon-

The Spectator

dent is evidently biassed in favour of the Latitte or Movement party: his opinionS of the national feeling and politics of France must therefore be taken with some grain of...

The French Minister of Commerce has addressed a circular to

The Spectator

the Chamber of Commerce, containing a series of questions, from which it appears to be the intention of the French Government to relax their commercial policy. — Gamier. M....

All the German bills drawn on the house of Bischoff

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and Company, for wool, those from Cadiz and Gibraltar, and in fact, all foreign bills, will, we understand, be protected. The establishments at Cadiz and at Gibraltar will, it...

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Yesterday afternoon, at about a quarter before five o'clock, the

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in- habitants of Great Saffron Hill were suddenly alarmed by a dreadful noise in the street ; and, on running out of doors to ascertain what had happened, found that two houses,...

A correspondent of the Times furnishes the following additional par-

The Spectator

ticulars relative to the loss of the Earl of Wemyss, Leith smack, which was wrecked in the gale of Saturday last. Allow me to present the following particulars, which I have...

A fire, which consumed two thousand houses, took place at

The Spectator

Constan- tinople the beginning of last month, and as all previous revolutions were preceded by a conflagration, it was taken for granted that this fire, which was, in reality,...

The cholera, which, as we stated last week, had visibly

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begun to decline, has undergone a more unequivocal diminution within the last six or eight days than during any former period since the commence- ment of its present irruption....

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[From the Times.] " The Vicar of Bramham desires me to state, that, in consequence of the passing of a recent act of Parliament. he is compelled to adopt measures which may by...


The Spectator

The following statement of the charge for the Army, Navy, Ord- nance, and Miscellaneous Estimates, from the year 1818 to 1833 in- clusive, and of the reductions effected during...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The transactions of the week have been quite unimportant : the fluctuation in Consols has not exceeded 4 per cent. The Foreign Funds generally...

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" A few days ago, a sale by auction of

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goods distrained for poor-rates took place in the market-place, Boston. A considerable number of persons collected, with a determination, apparently, not to bid for the goods;...

The King, who declined to confer a Peerage on the

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Speaker in compliance with the request of the last Parliament, has, of his own , accord it is said, been pleased to make him a Knight of the Itath. Sir CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON,...


The Spectator

LORD BROUGHAM'S bill for giving Municipal Constitutions to the New Boroughs created by the Reform Act, is exciting much at- tention, and, we perceive, some dissatisfaction, in...

It is not perhaps generally known, that the present King

The Spectator

is given to oratory (especially in the afternoons); and that he is very critical in the right use of words. An instance of his critical exactness occurred the other day, when...


The Spectator

THE Ministerial Journals have done little else during the week than ring the changes of applause upon a pamphlet just published, . entitled The Belem Ministry and the Reformed...

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IF a man hath lived any time in the world, he must have ob- served such notorious abuses of public charities, that he must be 'convinced (with a very few exceptions) that he...


The Spectator

WE find from some articles which have lately appeared in the True Sun, that the Companion to the Newspapers, which issues monthly from the same office as the Penny Magazine, has...

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The Spectator

POLITICAL ECONOMY, Cinnamon and Pearls; a Tale. By Harriet Marthmau. (Illustrations of Political Economy, No. XX.) For. THEOLOGY, Christian Morality. Sermons on the...


The Spectator

WHAT a succession of human crime and human suffering would a HISTORY OF MONOPOLY contain! The general annals of nations, though dark enough upon the whole, are still...