11 FEBRUARY 1989, page 52


The lesser breeds Jaspistos I n Competition No. 1560 you were in- vited to write a poem celebrating one of the less publicised inmates of a zoo. I once worked in a zoo, but only......

Solution To 892: Standard 'asafoetndarilul Vc2c I P I C...

E A U SC * CA 1 R 471 . l bRONEARSISINI 2 t% A B I "I_ 79 1 1A P ; T se VIAGNATEA El EL21 4 14 EF3111 E D EINE S A 9 E 01 Euirl F, 11P, 1 S OIKE FFEER S PI GM R S N ti E'% IONS......

Crossword 895: Plain Speaking By Jac

A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word `Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions......

No. 1563: Sorry, Wrong Title

Supposing Stevenson had written Travels with a Monkey, or Hemingway The Old Man and the Pea, or Graham Greene Journey Without Mass, how would the blurb-writer have described the......