10 JULY 1941, page 2

Mr. Lyttelton At Cairo

Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, Minister of State representing the War Cabinet in the Middle East, arrived in Cairo last Saturday and is already exploring the immense field of work which......

The Ministry Of Information

The Ministry of Information had the uncomfortable ex- perience of being once again the subject of a full-dress debate in the House of Commons last week, but on this occasion the......

Quack Medicines

The Government is to be congratulated on not shrinking from producing the Pharmacy and Medicines Bill in war-time. It was debated in the House of Commons last Tuesday. Few......

Mr. Eden's Promise

If there are any among our allies, or our enemies, or waverers looking both ways, who have any idea that this country would consider a compromise peace, Mr. Eden's emphatic......

Coal For Private Consumers

The Government cannot be congratulated on its handling of the coal question. Last winter there was no lack of coal in the country, but there was much suffering from inadequate......