12 JUNE 1875, page 14

Anzes'rhetics And The Lower Animals.

rro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") letter on the above subject in your issue of May 29 , seems greatly to have troubled the Editor of the British Medical Journal, for in his......

Mohammed And Mohammedanism.

[To THE EDITOR - OF THE ° BrzerATOV1 SIR,—Allow me to point out, with reference to your remarks On Dr. Badger's criticism of my lectures in the Contemporary Review, that I did......

Letters To The Editor.

CHURCH AND DISSENT. (ro THE EDITOR OF THE 0 SPECTATOR.") SIR,—A fresh change of front is marked in the letter of "V. J. C.," who attacks the National Church for its want of......

A Geographical Day-dream.

W E all admire M. de Lesseps, and all hope that some one as energetic, though perhaps less fluent, will obtain an equal success in the attack on the Isthmus of Panama ; but just......