12 JUNE 1875, page 3

Miss Cobbe Calls Attention, In An Eloquent And Able Letter

to Thursday's Echo, which well deserves careful study, to the tone of Dr. Lyon Playfair's speech at the distribution of the prizes to the medical students of King's College last......

It Is Stated That A Nugget Of Gold, Forty-two Pounds

in weight, has been discovered in Griqualand West. If that statement is correct, it means that rioh gold-fields have been discovered, that Griqualand is about to be colonised......

An Influential Public Meeting Was Held At The Mansion House

on Thursday to forward the application of the Cambridge Uni- versity Extension Scheme to London. Under this scheme the Cambridge Syndicate forwards to any place which desires......

There Is, As The City Says, A "brisk Inquiry" Just

now for the heroes of Physical and Natural Science, and Oxford, at present the most modern of modern institutions, is not slow to reeoinise their merits. She conferred on......

The Spanish Government Has Arrested Five Radical...

the notorious General Hidalgo, whose quarrel with the artillery produced such results, and exported them to the Canary Islands. It is believed that this measure was caused by......

The "peculiar People" Are Not So Very Peculiar, After All,

in thinking that in the case of illness good food without medical attend- ance may be quite as good as good food with it. John Robert Downes was tried on Wednesday, before Mr.......

The British Medical Journal Of Last Week Contained A...

on our expression of opinion in the Spectator of the 29th May that the Commission on Vivisection ought to have compulsory powers, --a paragraph, by the way, which, with an......

The " Authorities " Of Oxford University Do Not Seem

to have made much of their recent crusade against the festivities of Commemoration. There was as large an attendance as ever— larger, for the Royal Princes went down, and " drew......

Consols Were At The Latest 4(44 921 - 93.
