13 DECEMBER 1940, page 16

Lord Craigavon

Sm,—I cannot find a single word of praise in the reference by " Janus " to Lord Craigavon—only its antithesis. Instead of saying! "He would fight to the death for partition and......

Mr. Churchill And Demos

S1R,—I must take strong exception to Miss Barbara Ward's assertion that I regret that Mr. Churchill was made Prime Minister. I wrote nothing of the sort. She had evidently......

Peziza Coccinea

SIR,—In "schoolroom days," long ago, we frequently found the red cup fungus in the narrow valleys of that part of the Cotswolds situated between Gloucester and Bristol. Growing......

The Price Of Milk

S1R,—In reply to Mr. D. E. Auty's letter on the Price of Milk published in your issue of December 6th, I would say at once that his figures are not in accordance with the facts.......

Ringing Grooves"

SIR,—" Down the ringing grooves of change." This phrase, often quoted, has bothered me at intervals for over fifty years. I have been a busy man with little time for browsing,......

Soldier Poachers It Is Not Surprising That The Bored...

billeted at an outlying farm or mansion in the heart of the country, should turn to poaching. But there are several sorts of poaching, and poaching with a fully loaded service......

Ploughing The Commons

It is possible that the demand for an increase in home-grown food will set many parish councils wondering if they can make a contribution by ploughing and cropping the village......

Rural Salvage The Correspondents Who Have Criticised My...

rural salvage overlook certain important points. Because I set down certain facts does not mean that I am responsible for them ; nor, I think, does criticism mean a lack of......

Country Life

Peziza Coccinea If the Provost of Worcester, who writes to know "whether a thing so beautiful and so conspicuous has ever been noticed by any writer about the English......