15 APRIL 1882, page 2

The Quasi-insurrectioa In Bare !lona Has Suddenly...

have beea rerspened, and the shopkeepers are again selling their goods. The Ministry is apparently trium- phant, and adheres to S. Camacho's plans, but it is more than probable......

Great Importance Is Attached On The Continent To A Story,

which is believed without any evidence, of a defensive and offen- sive secret alliance between Germany and Sweden against Russia. The Swedes are to assist the Germans by tea and......

Mr. Gladstone Has Taken The Opportunity Of A Letter From

Mr. Broadhurst to deny the persistent report that the Government intend to offer some compromise upon the question of the Closure. He is most explicit. After stating that "the......

Mr. Mundella On Tuesday Made A Speech On Education, Marked

by a good deal of courage. He hinted that the 100,000 teachers employed by the Department were far from being contented, but said that payment by results must be maintained,......

The Catholic Clergy Of The Diocese Of Cashel And Emly,

in their annual conference at Tipperary on Thursday, passed three sets of resolutions. By the first, they emphatically denounce Mr. P. J. Smyth, Member for Tipperary, for his......

A Plot Has Been Discovered To Assassinate Arabi Pasha. He

has promoted 500 officers, and certain Circassians—six in number—who were omitted from his lists, with ten other officers in the same situation, determined to kill him, and......

Prince Bismarck Has Recently Avowed, In The Clearest...

reason for pressing the tobacco monopoly upon the German Parliament. It is precisely the reason we explained, when dis- cussing his defeat in the Economic Council. He holds,......