15 NOVEMBER 1957, page 15

Sir,—henry Fairlie's Acute And Devastating Sum- Mary Of...

vile and vicious letters penned to Lord Altrincham and Mr. Muggeridge is no less absorbing than thought-provoking. Nevertheless, the conclusion may be less impres- sive and......

Sia,—what Does Canon Collins Really Mean By Some Of The

phrases he uses? In the third paragraph of his article on `St. Paul's and the City' he speaks of the Church in England. Therefore his remarks are for the guidance of all. As a......


Keeping Up With The R10es

SIR,—I am surprised that anyone should be sur- prised that young people are angry when there exists an octopus of an Establishment with its self- deception and......

Letters To The Editor

Moon Metrics Oliver Stewart The Church and the People, Richard Whitaker, Rev. E. 0. Sutton An Anatomy of Hysteria F. R. G. Smith, Bennitt Gardiner Keeping up with the Rices......

Vie 6pectator

NOVEMBER 17, 1832 list England, the political prospects, of the Tories have been blasted by their adherence to arbitrary principles of government, obstinately persisted in until......

The Block Grant

SIR,—It was encouraging, even at this late date, to read Mr. Stuart Maclure's article on the block grant. His conclusions, that many people feel that this proposal 'could ruin......

The Church And The People

Slit,—Canon Collins is right. Why confine the cul- tural activities within St. Paul's Cathedral to mere religious ceremonies? The management of the Albert Hall have no such......

An Anatomy Of Hysteria Sia,—may 1 Suggest, With Reference To

Mr. Henry Fairlie's article of November 8 'An Anatomy of Hysteria,' that the real reason for the vile nature of a vast volume of the correspondence received by Lord Altrincham......