16 SEPTEMBER 1905, page 1

We Have No Desire To Adopt A Partisan Attitude, Since

both peoples deserve the respect and sympathy ' of the British nation ; but we cannot help thinking that they are both in the wrong, and that the controversy is really due to......

It Is, Moreover, Clear From A Comparison Of The Accounts

that the movement is complicated by a general rising of the Mohammedan tribes. They are fierce fighters, they have a traditional hostility to the Russian overlordship, and,......

Between Peace And War, Might Well Have Induced Her To

increase her pretensions. But as the reverse happened, it is clear that England, by her step towards more intimate rela- tions with Japan, did not stand in the way of peace,......

The Rising In The Caucasus Has Assumed Serious...

latest statements tend to show that order of a kind has been restored at Baku, the great oil centre on the Caspian; but the destruction of life and property has been deplorable.......

!the Latest News As To The Dispute Between Sweden And

1_ Norway in regard to the demolition of the frontier fortresses is, we regret to say, far from satisfactory. Sweden insists that her safety is iinperilled by the existence both......