16 SEPTEMBER 1905, page 16

Srn,—i Read Your Comments In Last Week's Spectator (p. 339)

on " Vidi's" letter which appeared in the Times. "Vidi," so far as I could gather, seems to think that our moral fibre has become considerably disintegrated and reduced in......

The Trade-union Congress And Arbitration.

[To THE EDITOR OF Tax " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Would you kindly allow me, as a member of the Executive of the Scottish Operative Masons' Association, to criticise adversely your......

[to Tub Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—mr. Rudyard...

be the, first to admit that his merriest quip must yield in quaintness to the citation of himself (in the Spectator of September 9th) by Mr. Claud Russell as a counter-authority......

Home Industries In The Transvaal - And Orange River Colony.

Sin,—I think your readers may be interested to hear of an experiment now being made in the conquered territories in South Africa to improve the condition of the inhabitants by......