16 SEPTEMBER 1905, page 2

Evidence In Proof Of The Failure Of The Ill-omened Experi-

ment of importing Chinese labour into the Transvaal con- tinues steadily to accumulate. Thus the Pall Mall Gazette of Friday week, in an article beaded "Are Kaffir Values Too......

Applying Another Test To Three Mines — Simmer And Jack,

Glen Deep, and Angelo—using coolie labour last June, and dividing the tons milled by the number of coolies employed, the writer obtains an average of 9+ tons per coolie per......

Between Peace And War, Might Well Have Induced Her To

increase her pretensions. But as the reverse happened, it is clear that England, by her step towards more intimate rela- tions with Japan, did not stand in the way of peace,......

The Agitation In Japan Against The Terms Of Peace Has

subsided, though not until martial law had been proclaimed in Tokio and forty police had been killed or wounded in Yoko- hama. The police, indeed, everywhere have been......

A Deplorable And Tragic Disaster Has Befallen The...

The 'Mikasa,' Admiral Togo'a flagship, which was anchored at Sasebo, took fire at midnight on September 10th, and, the magazines exploding within an hour, went to the bottom......

Protection In Germany Is Producing Its Natural Results...

food of the people. The import of cattle for the butchers is highly taxed to gratify the Agrarians, and the consequence has been a general rise in the price of meat by nearly 50......

The Plan Devised By Baron Fejervary For Defeating The...

in Hungary—namely, the introduction of universal suffrage—has for the moment failed. The King-Emperor, though not disinclined to it, has been induced by his Viennese advisers to......

The Province Of Calabria In Italy Was Visited At 3

a:m. on September 8th with one of its dreadful earthquakes. At least three towns and ten villages were almost completely destroyed, and the numbers killed or injured, now that......