18 DECEMBER 1926, page 14

A Dog's Relapse.

What everyone chiefly noticed about the dog (who is an invariable companion of his distinguished and easily dis- tinguishable owner) is the extreme woolliness of his coat. His......

Country Life And Sport

A PENLAND PARADOX. The local details of events concerned with the soil of England are " a thing imagination boggles at." They are certainly never so much as imagined by most of......

The Hunt And The Slaughterhouse.

An ardent defence of the sport of hunting the carted stag comes from a correspondent who has hunted in the West Country where, as he says, wild stag hunting is " deeply rooted......

Saved Hy Sugar.

In one respect the experiences of this year have most cheer- ingly enhanced the value of our Fenlands, especially in the neighbourhood of Ely. One single farmer grew a thousand......

Next Week: .

An iinportant,artkle ty Sir &tett Hc•dfrrld en "Goodwill iri Inchistry."-......