18 DECEMBER 1926, page 1

In A Later Message The Correspondent Says That A Small

minority of British South Africans treat General Hertzog'S statement as " mere hypocrisy." But the vast majority have plain reason on their side when they point out that his......

The Times Correspondent Says That The Speech Was...

tone and made a profound impression. He describes it as the knell of the old Kruger (read that the Dutch - were the real South Africans, and that the others were interlopers—a......

News Of The Week G Eneral Hertzog On His Return To

South Africa on Monday made a memorable speech. It proved that Mr. Tielman Roos, the acting Prime Minister, did not speak incautiously last week when he predicted that General......

. When There Is Scarcity And Prices Soar Upwards, A

remedy will be demanded, and it may then be possible to persuade the Chinese to distinguish between the good sides of nationalism and the bad. The bad sides are mostly due to......

The Most Important News From China Is That The Cantonese

armies are advancing towards Shanghai. The province of Chekiang, which stands in the way, has evidently yielded of its own free will to the invaders. General Sun Chuan-fang is "......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...

London, W.C. 2.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costa Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......