18 DECEMBER 1926, page 16

The Prospects Of Franco-german Understanding

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Your issue of December 4th contains a letter from Miss C. E. Ellington Wright, dealing with " the prospects of a Franco-German......

" Christmas Amusements "

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In view of the fact that the Annual World's Fair at the Agricultural Hall will shortly be open to the public, I shall esteem it a favour......

On Writing Reminiscences

[To the Edit or of the SPECTATOR.] Sni,—In regard to books of Reminiscences I was told of a Maid of Honour to whom a friend said : " What an interesting book you'll be able to......

The Referendum And The Constitution

[To the Editor of the FPECT tTOR.] Sm,—Schemes for turning the House of Lords into a Second Chamber which would be a Senate cr Huse of Notables will surely produce many dangers......