19 JULY 1924, page 9


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCH. T BELIEVE this will be the greatest business congress in the history of . the English-speaking world," said Mr. Lou. Holland, President......

The Convention Is The Largest Of Its Kind Ever Held,

and while there are some three hundred delegates from Continental countries and a couple of dozen from India, Japan, China and the Malay States, the gathering is predominantly......

Corsica In Spring. .• "a L'odeur Seule Je Devinerais La

Corse les yell fermes " was: a famous saying of Napoleon at St. Helena. The lovely island retains her scented breath*, but it is only 'one of her distinguishing charms. All of......

An Attractive Programme Has Been Planned To Make Our...

feel at home. Certainly in the matter of extending the " glad hand " to visitors " John Bull " has made much headway in recent years. • Those sti:io have received hospitality in......

Lord Cromm And The Sudan.

T HE Prime Minister's announcement that we are not going to retire from the Sudan and hand it over, not to its inhabitants, but to the Egyptians on the ground that it was they......

The Subjects Under Discussion At The Conference Hall At...

give one an idea of the widespread interests of the Convention. They comprise business research, church advertising, community development, export and overseas trade, women's......