19 JULY 1986, page 25


Sir: Following on Paul Johnson's amusing and cogent article 'Knotty neologisms' (The press, 5 July), I much approve of his inventive term `yags' ( cf 'yobs'), which I shall......

Sir: Paul Johnson Does Not Like The Word :gay' Being

used for male homosexuals. (It is also used adjectivally for female homosexuals — `gay women'.) Why not call us 'homosexual' when it is relevant to do so? He calls the use of......

Libel Suits

Sir: As published in the most recent issue of the Spectator, my article `Leader among the ruins' has the sentence regarding Yas- ser Arafat stating that 'he seems oblivious to......

Spectatum Veniunt . . .

Sir: The Spectator summer party — specta- turn veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ips(i)? Colin Haycraft Gerald Duckworth and Co Ltd, London NW1......

Lockwood And Jaspistos

Sir: Once again (Competition, 12 July), Jaspistos tells us that he was fired from the cast of Saraband for Dead Lovers, starring Stewart Grainger and Maggie Lockwood, for......

Tonnes To Africa

Sir: Does the Duke of Devonshire really believe that tonnes of contraceptives will relieve starvation in Africa, or is he, as reported by his witty and able wife (Diary, 5......

Pentonville Cure

Sir: A. M. Daniels (The naked lady of Hackney', 12 July) is quite right that a spell in prison is a good means of obtaining rapid NI-IS treatment. I once represented a rogue in......

Wilkie Collins

Sir: I am writing a biography of Wilkie Collins, to be published by Seeker and Warburg. I would be grateful for any information from your readers as to the whereabouts of any......

Sir: Talking Of Monty Telling Fibs, Can Anyone Throw Light

on what he was actually after on 18 July 1944? This was 'Good- wood', in which three British armoured divisions were to burst out of the bridge- head, and make for Falaise,......


is expanding its advertisement sales department. It is looking for: I. Someone with previous experience of selling direct to clients and advertising agencies, capable of......