1 APRIL 2006, page 35

Gene Genie

From Edward Frostick Sir: I find myself agreeing with Mary Midgley rather than Philip Hensher (‘A good book and the Good Book’, 25 March). If Richard Dawkins had not intended to......

Limits Of Probation

From Andrew Keyser Sir: Rod Liddle just adds to confusion by jumping on a bandwagon (‘What is the Home Office for?’, 25 March). He compares the murders of John Monckton and Mary......

Unfair To My School

From Maura Keady Sir: The staff here at John Burns Primary were deeply offended by Jane Kelly’s article (‘Out of tune’, 25 February). To comment that the children are of ‘mainly......

Why England Swings Low

From Robert Low Sir: Frank Keating (Sport, 25 March) wonders why ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ caught on as the England rugby supporters’ anthem. It came about during the England......

The Colours Of Steam

From John Hughes-Wilson Sir: Even Homer nods, or I fear that Paul Johnson’s memory has played him false. (And another thing, 25 March) As every anorak knows, the London North......

Jesus Joked

From Colin Broughton Sir: It may be true, as your correspondent writes, that there is no record of Christ having laughed (Letters, 25 March). There is, though, evidence that he......