20 APRIL 1889, page 1

Rochester Has Returned A Gladstonian By A Majority Of 75.

On Tuesday, Mr. Knatchbull-Hugessen was elected by 1,655 votes, against 1,580 given for Mr. Davies, the Conservative candidate. The poll was a large one, and the victory of Mr.......

The French Chamber Has Adjourned, It Being Held To Be

either unconstitutional or improper that it should sit while the Senate is occupied in doing justice. This is highly con- venient for the Ministry, which desires to wear out the......

Mr. Goschen Explained His Budget On Monday Evening. The...

of the year ending on March 31st had been 2941,072 less than the original Budget Estimate, and the total Revenue had been 21,645,000 above the Estimate. The account stood thus......

News Of The Week.

T HE anxiety felt about the election for Central Birmingham, when it was known that the leaders of the Conservative caucus there were piqued and affronted with Mr. Bright, was......

A Correspondence Which Appears In Yesterday's Times...

difficulty in understanding the Central Birmingham quarrel. It seems that the Conservatives openly proclaimed their intention of putting forward Lord Randolph Churchill for......

In Estimating For The Current Year, Mr. Goschen Explained...

the provision for the Naval Defence Fund would increase the Consolidated Fund charges by 21,413,000, so that the Total Non-tax Revenue 215 110,000 Total Revenue £85 059,0( 0 Of......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
